Interlude #6 - I Want To Be Left Alone

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"That'll be three ninety-nine." Nightshade stated, standing behind the cash register while wearing the store's basic uniform.

Or rather, going by his name tag, Alex.

Alex Elsher, younger brother of the Bloodwraith, a fearsome villain named Nightshade who could manipulate and warp shadows as if they were physical objects... working as a corner store cashier.

Alex sighed to himself as the man paid and left. The last thing he expected to find himself doing was this. But despite how boring it could be, he actually didn't hate it.

Anything was better than being stuck underneath his disgusting father or that despicable Vandercourt. Not to mention the feeling of working a regular job was oddly...refreshing.

Well, for the most part. Not when some annoying customer was screaming into face. They were lucky that he was trying to put everything behind him, because it would be ridiculously easy to end their life.

Alex drummed his fingers against the desk. Today was a slow day, that was for sure. And he still had three hours on the clock. Wonderful.

He'd rather be stocking shelves or moving boxes, something instead of aimlessly sitting here and waiting. If only he had a phone so he could do whatever cashiers do on their phones when no customers were there.

But that wasn't something he had at the moment. He got rid of his old, work one, for obvious reasons. Last thing he wanted was Vandercourt on his ass.

He technically owed the mad doctor his life, but when you were saved because you were being experimented on, that sentiment sort of vanishes.

He hadn't awakened his S-Genome for a long time. It probably would've never been awakened, if it wasn't for that damn Vandercourt.

Eleanor left, leaving him behind. He had to pick up my sister's slack. He had to carry out her assassinations, take father's abuse, and lament the fact he would never be as good as her.

Eventually his father had enough, and if it wasn't for Vandercourt experimenting on Alex and awakening his S-Genome, there was a good chance his father would've just killed him.

His worth wasn't high enough for the risk that he also was. But then Vandercourt awakened his S-Genome, and suddenly he was worth something again.

"Fucking hell." Alex muttered under his breath.

Vandercourt then perfected what he used on Alex to then awaken Checkmate's double S-Genome. Alex thought that move was idiotic, but did anyone understand the whims of a mad scientist?

He sighed to myself, shaking those thoughts away. He felt there was no more point in dwelling on the past, whether it was that bastard of a father, Vandercourt, or his sister that abandoned him.

He refused to act on any of that hate.

Rather, Alex just wanted be done with it all. To be free from those shackles of the past.

And so here he was, working at a corner store. Ironically enough, the most free he had ever been in his life.

A comic book was suddenly placed on the desk, shaking Alex from my thoughts. Crime-Man Issue #7 was the one chosen, the most recent of the series.

To Alex, it was obvious this was made after that Checkmate, though based off of when he wore the ski mask.

Apparently his co-worker, Flynn, made this comic book series. Somehow he got the first issue on the shelf, and then people started buying it. Then he was given the offer to make it into an actual series sold at the corner store.

It was the most interesting thing to happen before Alex joined, apparently. It's certainly something.

Alex scanned the comic book. "That'll be three ninety-nine-" He looked up at the customer, freezing in place as his eyes connected with hers.

"Hi Alex!" Prototype smiled with a wave.

"For fuck's sake-" Alex pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes as he took a deep breath to calm down. "Prototype." He greeted with closed eyes.

"Myla." She instantly spoke, a chill going down his spine.

Alex opened his eyes, looking at her to see she continued to hold that same smile. That damn smile is a trap, programmed to get people to lower their guards down. He just knew it.

"What?" He questioned.

"Call me Myla." She restated.

"Right..." Alex replied. She's not in her "superhero" outfit, rather wearing casual clothes. He didn't even know she could leave when not in her "superhero" outfit.

"Why are you here?" Alex demanded.

"Because I want to be!" Prototype grinned.

Like he'd believe that.

Damn it, he was going to have to find another job. He had been saving up as much money as he could before leaving the city, hence the job. But this was going to pose a problem to both himself and this store.

His hand twitched. He needed to be ready for a fight. Vandercourt could bust through here at any moment...

"And why would you want to be here?" Alex questioned.

He didn't even know why he was asking when he knew he would only be met with lies.

"To see you!" She smiled.

To find him and catch him. He understood.

"Surprised you're being honest." Alex grunted. "So, when is Vandercourt and Isolation going to break down those doors?"

"They won't." Prototype replied.

"Sure." He crossed my arms, fingers nervously tapping against his sleeve.

"They don't know I'm here." She stated. "I disabled my tracking!"

"Like I'll believe that." Alex frowned. "Why would you even be here then?"

"I already said, silly!" She giggled. "To see you."

"Right..." He narrowed his eyes at her.

"I wanted to figure out something." She continued. "Perhaps I am malfunctioning."

Alex scowled. She could keep spouting her lies, he wasn't going to believe her.

"Just leave me alone." He demanded. "I told you last time, I'll take down anyone who comes after me, Prototype."

Her hand slammed against the desk, Alex quickly moving into a guarded position. Ready to strike, dodge, survive.

"Call. Me. Myla." She sweetly smiled, though it didn't exactly feel sweet at all.

She blinked, moving backwards. She stared at her own hand. "Perhaps I really am malfunctioning? How odd. I must do some more thinking about the meaning of 'want' before I return."

Prototype started walking away, without the comic book, as Alex glared into her back. And then she left, leaving him alone once again in the store.

He sighed, holding his head in his hands and rubbing his temples.

What a fucking headache.

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