Issue #28 - The Assassin's Obsession Begins

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(Bloodwraith POV)

I sat on top of the rooftop, grinning as I watched my dear Jason make his grand escape on that bike with my little trap having successfully stopped the cop.

Ever since that one job, the job at Wicky's where you first saw my face, you've been stuck in my mind~!

And it all started with a normal assassination job...

"I want Trevor Finkins dead." Shadow Raven slammed her fist onto the table, glaring with a furious look at the person across from her. "Set up the request as soon as possible. I don't care who does it, or that I'm paying. No one crosses me."

"U-understood!" The man nervously saluted, before quickly running out of the room in a heartbeat.

Shadow Raven sighed to herself, rubbing her head as she mumbled to herself.

Trevor Finkins, hm?

I was currently sitting at the side of the table, Shadow Raven having no idea of my presence despite the fact she just slammed the table I'm sitting at.

It's so funny that if I really wanted to I could so easily slit your throat right now. But luckily for you, no one has paid me to do it yet!

I silently stood up, stretching my limbs before strolling outside of the room. I slipped the door open, exiting with ease. It was only as the door closed behind me that Shadow Raven noticed something.

"Who's there?!" Her voice was loud enough to go through the walls.

I whistled to myself, walking down the empty hallway of Shadow Raven's base. As someone turned the corner I ceased my whistling, passing right by them without any indication that they had noticed me.

It was an easy and simple walk out of the base, which was pretty boring. It would've been soooo fun to do an epic escape, but no, people just decide to ignore me.

Don't you think you all are being rude?

I'm kidding! It's just a joke, just a joke~!

I understand why. My S-Genome sure is handy, ain't it? As long as I don't draw attention to myself I am completely invisible. In a metaphoric sense, to be exact. They can still see me, they just overlook me unless I speak or show my presence in another way.

Part of why I'm the best hitman there is here. And losers will say that's the only reason. Well, if they even knew.

But no one does, because they're all dead!

Dead, dead, dead~!

I walked onto a main road sidewalk, no one paying me any mind as I walked with the crowd. It's funny, back then eyes would be all over me because of the way I looked.

Not often you see someone with half black and half white hair, y'know? I personally think it's part of my charm~!

After my successful, super easy exit from Shadow Raven's base I scouted around a few other places, listening to things and gathering information. By the end of the day I was ready to strike.

But I decided to wait till the next day, because I was tired after a whole day of booooooooring work!

I woke up that next morning in the afternoon, slowly crawling out of my bed. As I got ready, I had no idea that this would be the day that my obsession would start.

My obsession with him~

So let's just skip the boring stuff and go straight to when it happened. A bunch of chaos was going on at Wicky's, other hitmen who were going after little Trevor fighting against his bodyguard, the bouncers, each other, and then even the heroes!

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