Issue #32 - Mistakes Have Been Made

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I woke up, groaning as I sat upright. I turned to the side, seeing Sophie standing there in her maid outfit. I was a little worried to see her gone when I woke up in the middle of the night but it seems my worries were unwarranted as I expected.

"Breakfast is ready, Master." Sophie stated.

"I keep telling you that you don't need to make me break-" I was cut off as she handed me a bowl. I peered inside it, seeing delicious Lucky Charms.

"Sophie..." I said. " are the best."

"I know." Sophie stated. She turned towards the door to my room, shutting it and then locking it. "I have a request, Master."

"Yes?" I replied, putting the Lucky Charms to the side. "You don't usually have requests. How can I help, my dear automated assistant?"

Sophie walked over, sitting down on the bed next to me. She turned towards me, looking at me in the eyes for a few seconds before finally stating her request.

"I wish to partake in the act of kissing." She stated.

"Ah, of course-" I paused as the words sunk in. "What?"

"Kissing." Sophie restated.

"...why?" I questioned, staring at her face.

Yeah, still can't read her.

"I wish to understand." Sophie stated. "And it is the only way that I can please you."

"I'm sure you can please me in other ways." I countered.

"I do not contain the human feminine qualities-" Sophie started.

"Not in that way." I facepalmed. "Sophie, everything you already do is more than enough to 'please' me."

"I understand, Master." Sophie stated. She scooted closer, almost on top of me with how close she was. "However, my request has not changed."

She grabbed the back of my head with her hands, pushing our lips together. She stared into my eyes before I finally closed them, simply enjoying the moment.

We then separated, Sophie nodding with a...satisfied look?

Why did that actually feel like a real kiss? Her lips were even warm. Does she have a built in heater for that? And if so, why?

"Kissing..." Sophie spoke. "...I will remember this."

"Enjoyed it?" I smirked.

"Yes." Sophie nodded. "I may not be able to feel physical touch yet, but the act was favorable."

"Yet?" I questioned, only to receive no response.

Instead she leaned back in for another kiss. I indulged her, kissing her back. We held it for a moment, before she slowly retreated. And then, for the first time, I saw a small smile appear on her face.

It then went back to her usual blank look as she stood up and walked towards the door. "Enjoy your breakfast, Master. Let me know if you need anything."

She unlocked the door and exited the room, going somewhere else in the house. Once she leaved I sat still, my mind still catching up on what just occurred.

Well, that was certainly a way to start the morning. I started to munch on my Lucky Charms as I thought over a few things.

I just kissed...a robot. And liked it.

They should make that a song.

Stop, focus!

Yeah, so Sophie definitely likes me. I can tell that even if I can't tell what she's thinking a majority of the time. And whether she realizes it or not, she does have emotions like I thought.

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