Issue #36 - The Six Way Super Brawl

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Goodbye cruel world, it was nice knowing you.

Here I am, squished inbetween two different crazy ladies. One which is the top assassin in the whole city, and the other who is the successor to the most powerful mafia.

And not only is Bloodwraith in front of me and Alexis behind, but now to the side is Mother Wasp as well. A third crazy lady that wants the bone despite being a bee.

I may be drowning but I'm going to be drowning in blood at this rate!

The three stood at a standstill, Bloodwraith glaring daggers at Alexis while Alexis repeatedly glanced inbetween the assassin and Mother Wasp. Her gun was still pointed at Bloodwraith's head while Aurelia, aka Mother Wasp, stared the two of them down, her hands tightened into fists.

"I know this was the plan..." Mother Wasp cracked her neck. "...but I'm feeling pretty pissed that they interrupted our date, dearie."

"So you did find someone else." Darkly muttered Alexis. "Instead of just staying with me..."

"Damn pests." Bloodwraith cursed. "Taking what's mine..." From out of nowhere appeared her umbrella, its sharp tip pointed at Alexis' throat.

Sweat rolled down my face as they continued their standoff with me in the dead center of it. I'm not opposed to being popular but this is not what I had in mind!

And I don't think I'm going to be able to make them all calm down with my dazzling personality...

If I don't make the first move someone is dying. Maybe even if I do. So, uh, let's just fucking wing it I guess. Only way to have a chance to survive!

I suddenly dropped down, but my feet slipped as I descended and separated from each other. I let out a horrid shriek as I performed splits for the first time in my life, unlocking a new realm of pain I would only wish upon one person.


"Jason?!" Alexis and Bloodwraith exclaimed at once, looking down at me.

Mother Wasp grabbed my leg, quickly pulling me out of the dressing room and into her arms. She turned around and dashed away as the other two immediately followed.

"Get ready!" She yelled, throwing me to the side as Bloodwraith was already upon her. The umbrella went right past Mother Wasp's face as she barely dodged, leaving a red line across her cheek.

I rolled across the ground, groaning as I held my lower half in pain. That smarts, ooooooooooh shit that smarts...

"Need help, my beloved?" Alexis stood in front of me with a smile, holding her hand out.

"Hey! What the hell is going on here?!" The manager of the store started to approach, only to freeze as Alexis pointed her pistol at him with her other hand. His face went pale as he slowly held his hands up.

"I'm busy." Alexis replied with a threatening smile. "Now I'd recommended getting everyone out."

"Yes ma'am!" The manager quickly scurried away.

"Now then, where were we-" Alexis was cut off as her spectral hand suddenly appeared, catching the umbrella of Bloodwraith. The assassin had abandoned Mother Wasp in favor of getting Alexis while she was distracted.

Bloodwraith swung off of her umbrella, a kick going straight to Alexis' head. Alexis brought her arm up in a sufficient block, before having to dodge as Bloodwraith twirled with another powerful kick.

"Excuse me~!" Bloodwraith cackled as she cartwheeled to the side, avoiding Mother Wasp and her fist.

Alexis shot multiple bullets at Bloodwraith, only for the assassin to somehow dodge each and every one with unbelievable flexibility.

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