Issue #51 - The Fox On The Board

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The recording stopped as I grinned to myself.

I think that went well~!

But let's do a quick catch-up for the readers, they haven't seen what's happened the last month.

First off, I needed an official villain costume and name. Im currently wearing a black hoodie with a bulletproof vest under it, along with a utility belt that holds two pistols, two knives, and my grappling gun.

I'm wearing the two hidden blade sleeves along with black camo pants and combat boots. I was wearing my signature ski mask of course, but this time with the newest addition.

The black face mask with the red diamond. Eleanor actually made this for me, gushing about how we'd be matching and all considering the red heart on her cheek.

The irony of the playing card motif when going with the name Checkmate is not lost on me. But either way it's damn badass.

"Remember the plan, Bloodwraith?" I looked to my side, seeing the assassin grinning at me. She held a terrified man from behind, a knife to his throat.

"Yep~!" She smirked.

"Good." I approached the man. "Thank you for letting use your room. As I promised, you may go. I'm a man of my word after all."

"Just one piece of advice." I leaned in close. "Run. Run for your life. Because things might get a little chaotic here."

The man rapidly swung his head up and down, crying tears of praise as Bloodwraith let go of him. He stumbled out of the room before bolting away.

Bloodwraith and I walked outside of the room and into the second floor of the DePlanks Mall. I pulled out my grappling gun, pointing it towards the glass ceiling in the middle of the roof.

The grapple shot from the gun at a high velocity, flying upwards and crashing through the window. I tugged on it to make sure it was properly secured before looking over to Bloodwraith.

"Counting on you if things go south." I smiled.

"Who else would you count on?" Bloodwraith winked back, blowing a kiss.

I activated the grappling gun, seeing a bee whizz by as I flew upwards. I crashed through the glass, flipping through the air and landing on my feet. I placed the grapple gun back on my belt, now standing atop the roof of DePlanks Mall.

Things are going well.

With my announcement I've started to truly sow the seeds of doubt amongst the public against Killian. Of course they already knew we had something against Stromford, but now I've truly caught their attention.

I clearly stated that I was against Killian, before giving teases at what he's truly done. Name dropped some projects and even insinuated that Killian had something to do with Miracle's disappearance.

Which he did, but that's beside the point.

The point is now they'll be left wondering if that is true. How much of what I said can they trust? Was Killian truly involved with the disappearance of a beloved hero?

Killian will no doubt make a public statement in order to sway the populace to his side. But no matter how much someone believes him or believes me, my roots have already been implanted.

The seeds of doubt.

For some, they'll fruit. For others, they'll stay lingering under the mind. But either way they are there. And I don't plan on letting them get buried into obscurity until Killian and Vincent pay.

And Foxfire should be arriving any second now. I needed to talk with Hikari, one on one. I could've ambushed her at her job, but this way I was killing a couple of rocks with one bird.

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