Issue #7 - The Hero of Hope

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(Stellar POV)

I gasped awake, jerking upwards and sitting upright. My mind raced, trying to catch up on what just happened to where I was now.

The last thing I remember...

That's right! The man in the ski mask! The last thing I saw was him and the girl with the different colored eyes. I had finally gotten everyone out and was now dealing with trying not to get squashed by the collapsing building.

And here was there, watching me, instead of escaping.

Was he mocking me?

How frustrating.

"Stellar?" A familiar voice spoke.

I lightly jumped, surprised by the sudden speaking. I turned, looking to my side and finally taking in my surroundings.

White walls, sitting in a bed, with medical equipment nearby. Yeah, I'm in the hospital. It's a sight that's become familiar to me over these past five years.

I looked at the person who was sitting in the chair next to the bed, the same one which had spoken to grab my attention.

"Luminosity..." I greeted.

My mentor. She sat there, giving me a light smile which you couldn't help but relax around. She was an older woman wearing a skin tight yellow suit with white armored parts for protection but still allowing flexibility. She had a white eye mask and long, golden blond hair tied in a braid that went over her shoulder.

" everyone safe?" I asked.

"There were no deaths." Luminosity smiled. "You did good."

"I could've done better." I stated, shifting my body and wincing at the pain.

That girl hit hard...

"You have two broken ribs. Rest." Luminosity stated. "The healer is on her way."

"Fine..." I sighed, sinking my head into the pillow and staring up at the ceiling.

"You're lucky I found you before anyone else did." Luminosity stated. "You were passed out against the fence. Next time try to find a spot where you aren't vulnerable before you pass out."

She said the last part in a joking manner with a little chuckle, but her words sent my head reeling. She found me against the fence?

That's not possible. That can't be possible.

I remember it vividly. For one, my lower half was trapped beneath the rubble when I passed out. The fatigue from my crime fighting earlier in the day, the strong hits from that strange girl, and having to push the limits on my flying to get everyone out safely culminated together to make me black out. I need to do better.

But I remember it vividly. The man in the ski mask and the girl were right there, watching. I thought Luminosity got there and stopped them before they could take advantage of the situation to take me out.

But she found me leaning against the wall? Did someone else stop by and stop the man in the ski mask?


No. There's no way he got me out from under that rubble.

"You did?" I asked.

"Yes." Luminosity nodded. "You did well, Stellar. Don't beat yourself up any more than you already are."

She giggled to herself at her tiny joke.

"No one died, and all three perpetrators of the incident were caught." Luminosity continued. "And considering it was a bombing situation, the destruction isn't something you should blame yourself for."

Wait, three?

Yes, there were the three that set off the bombs. Or, at least I thought it was three. Then I ran into the fourth, the man in the ski mask. Five, if you include the girl who was with him.

"There's two more." I spoke up. "There was a man in a ski mask. The same one that got away from me at that bank robbing. And there was a girl with him too."

Luminosity'a face turned serious. "You're sure?"

"Absolutely." I replied. "He greeted me this time, saying 'we meet again'. The only criminal that has gotten away recently was that one from the bank. That girl though..."

I winced. "...she's new. I've never seen her before. And she hits hard. She's close to me in physical strength."

"That's worrying." Luminosity commented. "I'll let the Hero Administration know about this. We may have a new supervillain on our hands."

I felt myself sigh in relief. For that man to get away from me not only once, but twice, and with such a heavy hitter of a partner?

He's one I'm going to have to watch out for.

And once again, the confusion came back. My mentor hadn't heard of the man in the ski mask or the girl. Which means that the person who saved me didn't inform anyone.

Was it a vigilante? But there haven't been any since Foxfire, and she's become an official hero now.

No. It couldn't be him. It makes no sense.

Could it?

I shook my head, removing those thoughts from my brain. There's no point in even worrying about it. That's definitely not what happened.

"Sorry to bring you back out of your retirement." I sheepishly spoke up.

"Don't ever worry about that." Luminosity smiled, placing her hand on mine. "A hero doesn't simply retire unless they're forced. I'm just on an extended vacation, that's all."

"If you say so..." I replied.

"You know when we're alone you can call me Mom, right?" Luminosity spoke.

"We're in costume!" I quietly exclaimed.

"Alright, alright." Luminosity chuckled. "I should get going and report to the Administration. Make sure you properly heal before you go out crime-fighting again, alright?"

My mother, Luminosity, stood up and walked towards the door.

"Okay..." I sighed. "...Mom."

She turned back, giving me a radiant grin before opening the door and exiting, leaving me back alone in the room.

I glanced to my side, seeing that on the little table next to the bed sat a glass of water. I had been looking the other way since I was talking to Luminosity, so I hadn't even noticed.

I reached out to grab it, but as soon as I wrapped my hand around it the glass shattered, spilling the drink and completely destroying the cup.

Seriously? It's literally been years since the last time you messed up with managing your strength.


Two broken ribs, huh?

That was a much more intense experience than I was expecting. I couldn't tell who those grunts were affiliated with, they gave nothing away. was the man with the ski mask.

Maybe he was the one behind it all. I didn't consider that, with him simply dressed as a normal grunt. But think about it.

He's the only one that escaped, and that girl was following his orders. Maybe he dressed as a normal grunt for tactical reasons? To make people underestimate him.

I mean, look at me. Now I'm sitting here with two broken ribs because I did underestimate him.

And something was going on at the South Stromford Facility at the same time too. That must've also been orchestrated by him. Maybe he has some sort of vendetta against Stromford Industries.

Alright, Ski Mask.

You escaped this time.

But our next encounter is mine.

Just An Ordinary Henchman (Yandere Superhero Harem)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें