5. Mission of Rescuing Ramen! 3

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"Do you know her? I don't remember seeing you here in the village," Aki said, casting a puzzled glance in my direction, seeking confirmation.

"We're from Konohama, and..." He turned to me, his gaze direct. "Mr. Hiken sent us to Ms. Ikari for the Mageta sprouts," he explained, prompting a sigh of relief from me as I approached them.

"Um..." I glanced at the other children before continuing, "I hope I've already informed Mr. Hiken-"

"Yeah, we know, but we were honestly sent here to request you to reconsider. If you could-"

"Nee-chan, I'm Naruto. I know you have no obligation to consider my request when you've already made up your mind. But if you reconsider, you'll be saving the lives of many, including me. I absolutely love Ichiraku Ramen, and it just wouldn't be the same without your help!" Naruto's earnest plea left me momentarily speechless before I couldn't help but chuckle at his innocence.

"Ramen is what's motivating you?" I continued to laugh, ruffling his hair affectionately. But then, I composed myself and smiled, "I understand, but that's not the main issue here. Mageta sprouts require specific conditions to grow without any risk of contamination. It's a delicate process. The soil here isn't suitable anymore, and there are no specific seeds available. It's a complex situation," I explained, trying to simplify the matter for them.

"What's the possible solution then?" Kakashi's inquiry brought my explanation to a halt, and I took a moment to gather my thoughts before meeting his gaze. His nervousness was palpable, causing him to avert his eyes briefly.

"Glasshouse. Which can be quite expensive here.." She said turning back to Naruto.

"Glasshouse!" The pink hair started, "I heard it was quite cheap in Konohama to set it up! Ino's parents use it for some of their flowers as well,"

"You're Genius Sakura-chan!" Naruto said to the pink hair as her eyes met mine, making the both of us smile.

"But who's.. going to.. plant them in Konohama? It's quite hard to transport all those here to her too," Y/n noticed the Raven hair show signs of discomfort as he spoke, keeping her eyes close to him.

"You all are quite hard to understand, I'll leave then Y/n! See you later," Aki said, saying her goodbyes to the others.

Y/n grew worried, seeing the boy try to bear the pain. "What's his name?" Y/n asked as they all turned to him.

"Sasuke," Naruto answered.

"Sasuke, did you eat something on your way here?" She asked, catching him off guard.


"You're showing signs of upset stomach," She said, walking towards him. "Did you have a burning sensation in your stomach?" She asked, trying to check his temperature.

"Yes, a lot. And I feel like I'll throw up at times too," He added.

"You're skipping meals...Why is that?" She informed, gesturing them to enter the house.

Kakashi opposed and stopped her, "What are you doing and what's happening?" He's letting personal feelings mix in.

Y/n sighed, finally standing straight and facing him, "You're probably the guardian of this child and to inform you, the child has gotten an acidic reaction in his stomach for not having food. If you want to save him from some discomfort, let me do what I can." Her statement came out strong, making the man low-key admire how much she had grown.

But Kakashi wasn't going to let her lose that easily. As she tried to bring Sasuke home, Kakashi remarked, "Since when did you start caring about people? Isn't it an irony that you take care of people's health now.."

"Kakashi-san, respectfully, I would love to see you shut that petty mouth of yours. After he's feeling better, I want you all to just leave," She harshly blurted out, making Kakashi smirk behind his mask. It's fun. He thought.

Upon entering her house, Kakashi inspected quietly each corner to see signs of her family. There was nothing to begin with, not even a single sign of a baby. He wondered, what did he see that day.

"Nee-chan, are you a doctor?" Naruto asked for his curiosity, which made Kakashi listen keenly to their conversation without seeming interested. He sat by the doorway and took out his book to cover his eavesdropping.

"Not yet but yeah I've learned some from someone.." She said, focusing on preparing a sort of paste with pestle and mortar.

"Someone?" Sakura asked, sitting with her eyes fixed on the work she was doing.

"Someone who once saved me.." She smiled at the kids. "Would you mind if I ask you to bring me a glass of water?" She asked the yellowhead as he nodded.

Naruto walked up to Kakashi, who helped him with the water chore. "Saved you from where?"

Y/n sighed, realizing how she had fallen into the loop of never-ending questions. "My fate," She answered, taking a little glance at Kakashi, who was busy with an orange book. He's not listening, She thought.

She took the glass and mixed the paste with the water. "It'll be bitter but will be effective." She said, handing the glass filled with the medicine to Sasuke.

"Don't drink it yet," She got up and went to get the bread to chew after he drank the medicine.

"Y/n? Aki said you had guests-...over" Yume looked at everyone present as Y/n welcomed him with a smile.

Kakashi turned to Yume with uninterested eyes and kept his stare on him. Yume noticed it, slightly rolling his eyes at him before going in to talk with the teen guests.

"Heard you were from Konohama," Yume looked over at Y/n.

"They are here for business purposes but I had to call them inside for that Sasuke- I mean one of the kids is sick," Y/n gestured towards Sasuke as he shyly greeted Yume. He smiled at the politeness and felt like it was the best time to taunt someone, for that he exactly knew...Who the white-haired was.

"Definitely. You can't let a child be left untreated just like that. Who in the sane mind would throw away someone sick and hurt and turn their back, right?" Yume darted his eyes at Kakashi, who caught onto the sentence well, making him put his book away.

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