9. She returned

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I took all the bags inside, making way for Nami. She excitedly walked inside with our newborn in her arms. I frowned, knowing how she won't let me hold onto her yet.

"Y/n!" Nami called out, looking around. "Y/n?"

I panicked, I hadn't come up with an excuse. "Why are you looking for her?"

Nami stopped, looking at me, "I wanted Y/n to be the first one to hold her after Yuki-san," She looked down at our daughter.

I scoffed, evidently hurt. I let go of the thought, without answering where she was. I took the bags inside our room and settled down the bed for the baby. Nami followed and stood by the door as I prepared the bed.

"Did Y/n go somewhere?"

What should I say? I remained quiet, not sparing a look at her.

"Did something happen?" I turned to her. Nami never let out anything I said to her to anyone. I can trust her with the secret. I can't lie to her. Yuki is out to get groceries for housewarming for our daughter so it was the chance for me.

"Put her here," I said, gesturing for her to lie down our daughter on the bed I just made. She listened, waiting patiently for me to speak.

"What is it?"

I breathe in, letting it out before starting, " You remember the guy who threw Y/n out of Konohama years back?"

"Oh, that Bakashi dude. Ugh, boils my blood-"

"He was here to take Y/n and.."

"Don't tell me you let her go.."

I stared at her, making her sigh. "Why did you? You hated him so much and yet you didn't think twice before letting her go? She was barely living after that day Yume! She still carries that scar of hers and it ruined her dreams to become a Kunoichi.."

"I know. But you know me Nami, I wouldn't have let go just like that. So much happened.."

Back in Time

I walked ahead of Kakashi, remembering how much Y/n endured for his sake. I've controlled myself for her or else he wouldn't have stood a second in the same path as us. I felt a third presence beside ours, making me turn around. A decent-looking man stood beside Kakashi, as he too noticed him.

I didn't ask anything but waited for them to speak. "I'm here on behalf of the Third Hokage," He said, handing me a roll of paper. I furrowed my brows, turning my gaze to Kakashi.

"Did you bring me here to convince me to let her go with you?" I opened the paper and it indeed had the seal of the Hokage.

"We are not here to force you. We could have gone directly to Y/n-"

"With exactly what? Do you all not even have the littlest amount of shame left to come and achieve her? Have you ever tried to look for her all these years? Was she alive or not.." I clenched my fist, looking at Kakashi who had his eyes fixed on me.

"Where's the manly dignity of yours Kakashi-san? Where's your pride for which you weren't looking for her?" I scoffed. I felt her pain equally.

"Why my dignity and pride been brought up I have zero ideas but when it comes to looking for Y/n, every one of us tried our best to search for her. I don't wanna go into details who did what, but none of us thought she would be here-"

"Look at you, speaking like an emotionless man. Did it not hurt you an inch to lose her? Or do you still think she did it all?"

"Yume-san I know you're up-"

"I want him to answer," I didn't even glance at the other guy.

His face mask annoyed me more since none of his expressions were clear or visible. I rolled my eyes at him, knowing nothing would come out of him. "That night.." I heard him say.

My eyes shifted the gaze back on him,"..I went back to the gate. I searched everywhere for her but not a single sign of her was found anywhere. I knew she wasn't.." He hesitated. I watched him quietly struggle with the words, and my gaze slowly softened.

"the one who did it.. When the news came out, the chains that were wrapped around my feet broke me free, I knew how much it hurt her to witness it. He meant the same to her as he did to me. I was young but the older I got, it got harder for me to contain the guilt and regret for the mistake I made when my thoughts were all swirling in chaos.."

It's true. He was young and naive, and so was Y/n when we first met. Kakashi lost his father and all the fingers were pointed at her for what she claimed. Y/n was too at fault for confusing his thoughts with the phrase that she killed him. Despite her claims, he knew it wasn't her. He waited for another phrase to come through: the results of the investigation which helped him act quickly on his actions.

"I wanted to let her go entirely. I met her here before. You were there too when I saw her for the first time."

I looked at him confused, "Yes. The encounter we had back at the market was my second time seeing her. I didn't want to bother her life or mess with her but somewhere deep inside, I wanted to take her back. To treat her to my heart's content until I've fulfilled my part.."

From what I've seen and heard from Y/n about Kakashi, he was never the type to explain or talk. His sudden change is taking me back. I looked away from him and faced the other guy. "..Is Y/n labelled as a Rogue Ninja?"

"If she was, the news would have reached this village years ago. The idea was dismissed the second the investigation's results came forward. Third Hokage wants her to return where she belongs, Konohama,"

I thought for some while, knowing how her home was finally calling her back. No one can be blamed here. I was raged for that I thought none of them tried to search for her but they did.

I let go of my stubbornness and decided it was time for her to face the world she hid from.

Back to Present

Nami said nothing as the long pause gave me some time to bring myself to face the disappointment from her and maybe even death by Yuki.

I slowly turned up, flinching when saw Nami's hand reaching out to me. I heard her chuckle, caressing my hair. "Y/n mean more to you than any of us. So whatever decision you took, must have had a great reason. I have the trust in you,"

Third Person

The meadows ran as far as his eyes reach. He sat down, taking out the planes he prepared to set them free into the wind. He took one of them in his hands, fixing the wings as he threw them into the air. He watched them fly off, making him add more.

The days were starting to get peaceful for him, but he couldn't help but worry about his brother who still hadn't returned from his mission. He got up, deciding to ask the Hokage for the estimation of the mission's duration. He dusted off his pants, heading out of the landscape.

He reached into his pocket, feeling the ring he had kept aside when he was doing the dishes. He put it on before taking a good look at the red ring. He couldn't help but notice the scratched-off sides of the nail polish, indicating a reapply was necessary.

He walked out of the field to the market area, getting greeted by almost everyone. He loved the people around but sometimes being popular can be tiring. He sheepishly smiled to himself, deciding to avoid the main street. He jumped up onto the roof, nodding that that was the better option.

But that didn't last long, "Sensei!" His head turned to the road, recognising the familiar face.

"Hmm Ame, What is it?"

"Shisui Sensei is back with Kakashi Sensei and team 7, The Hokage has summoned you," He said, making me smile.

"Alright! Thank you for the information," He answered, heading towards the Hokage's office. The pathway shortened for how hastily he reached the building. He walked to the office room.

The door of the room remained open, making it easy for him to access.

"Oh Itachi's here," He greeted the Third as he announced his arrival. He felt an unfamiliar presence among the familiar ones, making him look for the unknown one. Her eyes were already staring at him when he found her.

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