7. Mission of Rescuing Ramen ! 5

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The night has fallen deeper so has the people fallen asleep inside the house. Y/n woke up to a sudden pain in her lower abdomen, knowing exactly what it was; cramps.

Slowly picking herself up, trying not to wake Sakura, she tiptoed out of the room. The living room had the dim light on, making it easier for her to see her steps.

She needed some warmth so decided to make the hot water outside in the clay furnace. A soft voice called out to Y/n, making her flinch.

"did I startle you? I'm sorry," Sakura said, quickly apologising.

"Wasn't expecting you. I'm sorry if I woke you up," Y/n replied, taking the pot in her hand. "You need something?"

"Change of place often makes it difficult for me to fall asleep. What are you doing?" She curiously asked, looking at the pot in her hand.

"Just making myself a hot bag. Cramps are making it difficult for me too to fall asleep." She said, smiling.

"I'll just then tag along with you, if you don't mind."

"Why would I, let's go in the outside kitchen. It will be warmer there once the fires lit," Y/n suggested, making her way out and waiting for Sakura to follow along.

The night was colder than the day and the rural set up made it cooler than the town. It was quite a scene with all the fog around, but the shivers were making it hard for them to admire the night.

Y/n made sure she locked the door or else the inside will be another foggy atmosphere.

Kakashi lied down with his mind and ears listening to all the conversation outside. The walls were paper thin, making it seem like he was eavesdropping when he wasn't intending to.

He turned to his left as his eyes flung open to meet the wall. Everything happened so fast that it was getting hard for him to grasp onto the moments. Just 2 years back, he was desperately searching for her and today he's lying down some meters away from her.

All the yearnings and guilt that had eaten him up felt like nothing at the very moment. He had so much to say but when she came so close and near, he was afraid that he might hurt her once again.

He let out a sigh and shut his eyes to try and fall asleep.

Meanwhile outside, the girls had so much to talk the night away.

"He can trade his hard earnings for this ramen without a second thought." Sakura rubbed her hands together, taking in the heat from the fire.

"The way he gave out that speech, it said it all." Y/n softly laughed, putting in some hay into the furnace.

"What about Sasuke? Is he always this quite and reserved?"

"Ah Sasuke.." Sakura trails off, coming back after some seconds,"He's.. I don't know how to put it but yeah he's what you said. I never saw him smile for years now and I really hope that.." She sighs, "Some day he finds it back and becomes what his heart has locked away for everything that had happened,"

Y/n gazed at the girl, as if she heard these feelings somewhere. She looked away with a smile, saying,"Are you in love with him?"

"Did I sound like that?"

"Maybe..?" There was a long pause, making Y/n turn to her. "I'm sorry if I judged too quickly-"

"No, you're right.." She answered, cutting me off.

The water was at the right temperature. Y/n carefully poured the water into a jug first and then filled the hot bag.

"Don't let the love stop you from achieving your goals though. Maintain both, and balance them out." Y/n adviced, taking a glance at Sakura who returned the stare.

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