13. For Her?

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The downstairs remained engaged with the lunch being served on the table, ready to be eaten. Sasuke dropped by since he missed his mother and wanted to stay with her for some time.

Kagury remained impatient as Itachi took way longer than he should have but she insisted on waiting rather than finding out what's making him not come yet. Maybe he went to the restroom? Possibly. She thought.

The delay got noticed by his mother, asking Sasuke to go and search for his brother, "Could you please check where he is Sasuke? Whether he found the dryer or not." Sasuke didn't wanna disobey his mother even when his brother's mention irritates him. He got on his feet, about to head upstairs.

After Sasuke left, Kagury couldn't help but get up too. "I need to use the restroom," She announced, leaving in a haste. She stopped, waiting for Sasuke to walk all the way up the stairs.

Sasuke walked to the room as Kagury climbed the staircase and stood at the topmost stair, waiting for him to enter the room.

Sasuke stopped and stared at his brother and the unexpected guest. "Oh, y/n? Hello," He politely greeted as she sat in that awkward situation.

"Why is.. Itachi drying your hair..?" He asked, confused as Y/n sheepishly smile. She showed her fingers to him, as he walked inside the room. Kagury stood there shook, not wanting to face the scene.

Was this why he was not coming down..? She asked herself, clenching her fist. She stormed up the last stair and headed straight go the room's entrance.

She watched Itachi helping y/n, making her shoulder drop. Itachi noticed the presence but couldn't care less. Y/n's head turned to the door, making her feel embarrassed for the second time. "Did we take way too long to go down?" She politely asked, turning to Itachi to stop him. "It's okay, this will do. Thank you," She gently smiled, as he returned the gesture before unplugging the plug.

Kagury quietly scoffed, not being able to process who Y/n was for her to get so better treatment. "Couldn't you like.. do your own hair? Why hold someone else as hostage to do your work?" She asked in an offensive tone.

Y/n took some time before responding, "Sorry?"

"Making him do that work for you, may I ask why you did that-"

"Because I wanted to," Itachi didn't want any stretch to this unnecessary issue. "Sasuke, take Y/n with you. I'll be back after putting this away," He asked, turning to Y/n with a smile. He nodded, making her take a look at Kagury before Sasuke led the way for her.

Itachi's gaze remained soft while it remained on Y/n's back. Before it landed on the person that stood by the door frame. His jaw clenched, as he kept the dryer in the drawer. He took the chair and kept it back in its place.

"What's your answer?" She started, walking inside the room.


"Your-" She stopped, sighing out,"Our marriage.."

"Our? What?"

"Don't act like you don't have any idea of what I'm talking about,"

"Well, I don't know since I don't remember wanting to marry you,"


"Kagury-san," He no longer wanted to beat around the bush. "Put it to rest. I don't wanna be burdened with marriage at least at the moment. I would love it if you stopped thinking about something happening to us any sooner,"

Kagury pinched her nose bridge, slowly nodding,"I get it. You need some time to think. Yeah, you should. But for now, tell me you'll want me later in life..That," She hesitated, afraid she might get turned down.


"That we will.. surely.. get married. Only then, I can forgive you for what I've seen tod-"

"..huh?" He asked, making her look up at him clueless. "Forgive me for exactly what..?"

"Why were you helping her with the hair and everything?"

He looked at her in disbelief, "What? Oh. She hurt her fingers so I couldn't help but offer her a hand. She insisted but I did it anyways. What about it?"

She remained quiet, only maintaining an eye contact. Itachi stayed unfazed since to him, it was a gesture of kindness from his side to her as someone who deserves so much more from the village after being neglected from so much. He didn't think of it as a big deal, so it didn't seem to Y/n.

She scoffed, looking down. "Do you hear yourself Itachi? Do you even see yourself? The way everyone else do? You don't like talking to new people, let alone help them. Who are you trying to convince here-"

"Kagury-san. You make absolutely no sense right now and I feel like, it's better if we don't communicate for some time. It's getting too much for me to handle. I would deeply appreciate if you keep my words,"


I checked the clothes that needed to be washed, keeping them aside while packing the new ones. I zipped my bag and rested it near the door.

I dried my hair with the towel, sitting on my bed as I reached out for the book. I looked up at the figure that stood out my window, about to open it. I got up and unlocked it for the person. "Yes?"

"The Third has summoned you,"

I responded to the summoning and waited for some seconds before knocking on the door. I entered the office, witnessing a visibly tired Hokage. I could never become one. I'm happy with my average ninja chores.

"It can get tiring to be the head of the village sometimes," He said.

"I guess," I chimed the short reply in, not wanting to come forward as rude.

"How's Naruto holding on?"

"As in strength wise?"

He nodded as a reply.

"Not worth mentioning. He's the least skilled at the moment in the team. But with proper guidance, I guess we can see a change. He has great determination, alot can happen in the future so I'm observing and guiding for now,"

He nodded once again, sealing something on the scroll that remained open in front of him. He put the scroll aside, returning the seal back on it's place.

"About tomorrow," He started while getting up. "Be mindful of the surrounding and always keep the team in track. Sakura and Sasuke are of no worries but look out for the mischievousness of Naruto."

Did he summon to tell me this? I quietly sighed.


He stood infront of the window, with his hands in the back,"And, have you thought about getting married anytime soon?"

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