8. On our way

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I sat in my room, packing my bag quietly while Yume attended Shisui and the others before we left. I couldn't understand the sudden change within him. He didn't want me to even remember Konohama and now he's sending me there.

Why couldn't I oppose? I said, opening my wardrobe. I took out some clothes, knowing I'd be coming back because how Yume had a slight chance of changing his mind later. A rattle made me jump, realizing it was the box that I had kept inside.

I stared at the box, remembering what it had; the letter to Kakashi from Sakumo-san. When will I be able to give him this? This belongs to him. There's a great opportunity but what's holding me back is the chance of him recalling everything and taking us back to our bitterness. I was surely labelled as a rogue ninja.

Is there a catch as to why am I being summoned back to the village? Will I
get- I shook my head, removing the negativity. Whatever will be happening, I deserve it.

The door to my room opened, making me turn around. Yume locked the door behind him, turning to me with a smile. "Hey," He softly said.

"Why are you sending me there?" His expression said that he was already expecting my question.

"Because the third sent out a letter, especially for you?" Yume said, staring right into my eyes. We didn't break free from the contact.

"Yume..stop messing around,"

"I'm not.." He said, walking towards me before stopping inches away from me. "It's time for you to be somewhere you belong to. And don't worry about Yuki, she will understand." He said pulling me into his arms.

"Everything will be okay this time.." He said, assuring me.


We walked for about 20 minutes, finally making it out of the village. I was too shy to break my bubble. The kids remained in the middle, talking within themselves as I watched them from behind. Shisui and Kakashi were at the front, conversing.

"Oh, Kakashi-san!" Naruto said, jogging up to Kakashi as he turned around, catching a glimpse of my stare at them. I looked down, not wanting to invade their conversation even with a look.

"I'm sorry for keeping you here all alone," Shisui apologized, walking towards me.

I smiled, "Thank God. For a while I thought I was invisible to you or something," I stopped, realizing how freely I was blurting out my mind.

He too seemed surprised but laughed softly at the end, embarrassing me. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to leave you alone here. I was asking Kakashi about our route back to Konohama. The safest and fastest one. Got carried away with it,"

"I'm sorry..If it wasn't for me, every one of you would have been already a long way from here,"

He shook his head, "this is better for the kids. They will learn a lot on the way, I'm sure of it."


"Yeah, we were planning on teaching them some basic survival lessons while being on our way back. It was Kakashi's idea. Do you think any of these kids would survive in the wild even with their techniques? I don't think so," He remarked, making me laugh.

"Oh come on, they are not that bad,"

"Their mentor knows the best," He said, turning to the front. "What do you think Kakashi?" I was still not used to hearing his name and being near his presence. It was intimidating.

"Hmm?" He asked.

"Who among these three would survive if left in the wild with all the wandering rogue ninjas?" Shisui asked, as I looked at the three with a smile as they too looked at each other, looking for answers.

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