🌹Chapter 3🌹

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Jacob's POV:

I finally reach the Smith house. "So finally we meet again...Mr Smith!" I say and man hug Mr Smith. I look back to see Annabella grinning at me. Well she'll be grinning a lot in the near future,when she has money surrounding her!

"Please come inside son!" Mr Smith has aged so much! I haven't seen him since I was 18...which was 6-7 years ago! I look around all the corners of this small but cozy house,and surprisingly I remembered every room of this house! I remember since I was little...I was brought here because I was Annabella's friend. My eyes stop on someone!

This girl...I remember she used to drool over me in school. Every time I came here...she would ask if we could play with her teddies together. What the hell was wrong with her! But then again, everyone drools over Jacob!

Even though she claimed to have loved me, I don't love her! Just like I said earlier... love doesn't exist in my dictionary! She is too weird for someone like me! I leave my thoughts by the sound of Mr Smith clearing his throat.

"Son...we are really happy with the idea of you...and Annabella together...we truly give our consent to this relationship!" He says with tears of happiness in his eyes. I look up to see Annabella grinning and that...I forgot that weirdo's name,but she is trying to stop her tears. Oh come on! How long is her silly infatuation for me gonna continue?

"That's great...but I knew you would be pleased that your daughter has chosen somebody like me!" Everyone's face is filled with confusion! "Yes of course son...but what do you mean...by..." I look at him and he stops talking. I have that stare that can silence anyone! "I'm here for...a different reason!" My statement causes everyone to look at me with confusion.

"What do you mean, Jake?" Annabella asks me... clearly she's confused! Shame...let me give her a lil sight of her future! "I've come here because..." That weirdo is staring at me with pleading eyes as if she's begging me to take her instead! Does she actually think she's worthy of me!

"I wish...to marry Annabella!" Just then Annabella looks shocked! I'm quite surprised by her reaction because I expected her to like this idea of us getting married! Everyone in the room is smiling but HER. Shame! I crushed her heart once again... call me sadistic...but it's what I love doing! Crushing people's heart!

"That's amazing son! I totally agree with your opinion...but when is your desired date?" I instantly smirk knowing this is going to shatter that weirdo even more! "I want to marry Annabella...on Sunday!" That leaves everyone shocked! Today is Friday! They probably wondering how they gonna get so much done in such a short period of time. "Sunday?" Annabella asked in a shocked tone. "Yes Anna...you behaving more shocked than anything, I expected you to be happy with this!"

I notice tears fall from the weirdo's eye's "I...I'll...go...get....tea!" The weirdo leaves with such a lame excuse! Litterally everyone can tell she's crying! "No that's...not the case Jacob...it's just surprising...I mean..." I cut Annabella of by showing her my hand."I know what I'm doing very well... besides you and your family will benefit from this!"

I'm so annoyed with Annabella! She's behaving as if she hasn't expected this to happen! "But son...how will we...manage everything so fast?" Mr Smith asks in a disappointed voice. I know he is a poor man...and therefore I've arranged everything! "You don't worry about that... tomorrow I'll take Annabella for shopping...and on Sunday you all just show up to the place....I've arranged everything already!"

Of course I had to arrange everything! This is me trying to get what I want. Who will refuse getting their daughter married to a person like me....that too for free! Oh Jacob! It's just a matter of time...before that throne is yours!

"But Jacob...don't you think....it's early for marriage?" This girl! Annabella is getting on my nerves right now! I feel like pulling out my gun and shooting her straight on her head! I grit my teeth "Annabella...you should know...by now that I'm not a person to waste ti..."

I instantly halt when I feel a hot liquid on my expensive pants! I look up to see that weirdo has dropped tea on me! Her lips are quivering. Oh so she's afraid? Well that's good coz she knows she has messed with the devil!


End of chapter 3🌹

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