🌹Chapter 4🌹

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Arabella's POV:

I instantly get anxious! How could I be so stupid to drop tea on JACOB of all people! I clearly remember that he is the most short tempered person that you can find! There was a time in school...when a boy accidentally walked into him and he beat that boy up so brutally!

"I...I'm...so... sorry....it... slipped from...my..." I was about to continue but then my father began apologizing. "Son I'm so sorry,she's still young and she can't serve properly! But I'll be sure that it doesn't happen again! Please son just forgive her!" Then he does the most unexpected thing!

"Oh Mr Smith,you worry too much! It's okay...I understand that your daughter is clumsy!" I begin tearing up at his words. But he's right! I am clumsy...I can't do anything right! "I'm....sorry!" I say with tears falling down from my eyes, hoping he actually forgives me and isn't just pretending to have forgiven me!

"Hmm...but when someone makes a mistake...they need a punishment!" Chills run down my spine when he gives me death stare. "Yes son... she'll do anything but please don't cancel the wedding!" My father pleads to him and I instantly feel guilty. This is all happening because of me!

"You will...have to...beg in front of this whole village for my forgiveness!" Just then my eyes widen! How could somebody be so cruel! Just for dropping tea on his pants...I must beg for forgiveness...that too in front of so many people! How could he do this to me? I know he never liked me...but to do this!

"Of course son... she'll do that!" I look at my father with sadness! All because Jacob is rich... anything can go the way he wishes? That's not fair! "Please... I'll..wash the stain...out but... begging...in front of...so many people...that's not fair!" Im hoping he'd agree. Just then, Jacob laughs hysterically and claps his hands!

"Wow just wow! You're the one that has made the mistake and when I'm giving a chance to rectify that mistake...you refusing! You have a lot of ego to not be able to apologise!" I instantly begin sobbing. My tears are blurring my vision."Jacob...I... I've already said...I'm sorry!" I'm hoping he'd just let go! I never thought the one I've loved would be so cruel and egoistic!

"Girl! Do you know that your father's entire life savings won't be Enough to buy this pants!" I begin to sob louder. This is too much! How can he insult my father! "Son please don't say that... she'll do as you say...she's just immature! Arabella just do as Jacob says!"

Left with no other choice...I know I'll have to agree. I look at him with tears in my eyes and then continue crying! It hurts so bad...even after all this,I still love him! "Great,so we'll announce to the villagers now... that Arabella has something important to do...in their presence!" He smirks demonically at me as I continue crying!

Jacob's POV:

And boom! I hit my target! I've gotten what I want. So Arabella is the weirdo's name huh! Now is the time to make her pay! How dare she do something so stupid?

Immature or mature...can she not serve tea properly? I'll be sure to make her regret crossing paths with me! "Mr Smith inform the villagers now!"

This should teach her a lesson that she'll never forget! She must not dream of something that she'll never reach!


End of chapter 4🌹

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