🌹Chapter 15🌹

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Charlie's POV:

The whole room is now staring at me. I can hear some gossips of all the men. I step forward and take a deep breath. "And why are you objecting to this.... Charlie?" Mr Black asks me confused.

I notice how Jacob's body tenses up...as he tries to act normal like nothing is affecting him at this moment. "How long has..... Jacob been married for?" The crowd stops chattering and the room goes so silent that if I dropped a pin....we would hear it.

"Charlie....what are you trying to say hear?" I smirk as I notice how annoyed Jacob is becoming. "2 weeks....or maybe 3??? Wow! It's like 3 weeks that Jacob has married his wife.....but we've only seen her once...which was during the wedding! Don't you take your wife out?"

The crowd becomes loud again and they continue gossiping. "Oh my god...yes we've never seen Jacob's wife"
"He never took her out! He took every other girl he dated out....how come he hasn't taken his own wife out?" The crowd kept gossiping and my smile kept growing!

Jacob's POV:

Bravo Charlie! What a show you've managed to put up. Charlie has once again come between me and that throne! I grit my teeth and fist my palms tightly together. I won't allow Charlie to come between....not this time!

"So what is wrong with that... Charlie? How is it my fault if she likes remaining indoors?" Internally...I'm laughing! What did Charlie think? He thought that he'll come here and say that I don't take my wife out....and I won't get my throne? Impossible!

"I give her princess treatment inside the house!" Now what would stupid Charlie say? Next time before trying to defeat me...he should come fully prepared!

"Princess treatment you say? Mr Black...allow me to show you something!" I instantly gulp. What is Charlie going to show Mr Black? Why did this fool have to show up today!

Mr Black nods his head and Charlie gestures for his men to come forward. They hand Charlie a phone and Charlie shows it to Mr Black. As Mr Black watches the screen...his eyes widen. My heart is thumping at this point!

"Now you got your answer! Jacob treats his wife like a slave! And that simply means he cannot get a child to hand over the throne to when he is done! He is a disrespect to the mafia...the way he treats his wife is despicable!"

At this point...my jaw is clenched and my hands are fisted together! I can't believe Mr Black is letting him say all this!

"Since Charlie has such evidence....I'm not taking any sides,but.... Mr Maranzano should only be crowned king....once he has an heir." I feel like killing Charlie so badly! He came in the center of me becoming king once again!

"Fine! You all want an heir right? I GIVE YOU MY WORD! You all shall hear good news soon!"

The crowd begins cheering and I give a smile of victory to Charlie. What did he think? Did he think that I will give up because of what he has done today? Never! That throne is MINE!

Charlie's POV:

I'm glad I managed to stop this! But the question is...for how long? Today I just managed to stop it....if I was a few seconds late... God knows what would've happened!

But now I need to save Jacob's wife. I already know what his evil mind is thinking. He will use her to get what he needs to become king. He'll use her to get an heir!


End of chapter 15🌹

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