🌹Chapter 9🌹

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Jacob's POV:

I wake up in the bar with a banging headache. I remember what happened. Last night was my bachelor's party and I drank too much and passed out here! I'm a little worried though, because last night, Anna messaged me asking if it's too early for marriage.

Damn this girl! I'm starting to regret asking Anna to marry me. I thought she'd be fine because we know each other,but nah! Things are just not working! I don't know why she's so insecure about marriage. I just ignored the message and continued the night. Now I'm starting to regret that!

I feel like a problem is going to arise! I wear my suit and look in the mirror. Today is the day I've been waiting for! I'm one step closer towards achieving my dream of becoming king of the underworld!


I reach the wedding venue and look around. Not as grand as it should look,but good enough. I enter and see that everything is already set. Mr Smith approaches me and smiles. Well of course,who wouldn't be happy to marry off their daughter to a man like me?

"This way son! Everything is already set. Anna will be down any moment" I follow Mr Smith and greet the pastor. My friends are now mocking that I'm the first one to get married, however they don't know how much I'm benefitting from a simple marriage!

Soon I notice the flower girls walking past ,laying the flowers on the floor. I know that Anna will come soon. I notice that the media enters through the door and everything comes to a stand still. The people come running to me and I know that I have to put up an act and act happy again!

"Mr Jacob, multi billionaire, how do you feel about getting married today?...What made you decide to get married now?...Who is this lucky girl?" The media was throwing questions at me until Annabella approached me. Her face was covered with the veil.

She was walking with flowers in her hands and the media instantly moved aside to capture this moment. They all don't know that this is just a facade so I can get what I want! This is what I always wanted,and it's never just gonna be a normal marriage!

She stands in front of me and I smile. Finally this girl's doubts about this marriage has cleared! "Do you... Jacob Maranzano... accept Annabella Smith...as your lawfully wedded wife?"
I smirk as I realize that from this day forward....my dream will finally be fulfilled!

"I do." The media begins clicking pictures,and I'd assume broadcasting our wedding on live television. I hear claps and whistles coming from the crowd. I know my fate is sealed now! I was destined for this spot!

"Do you.... Annabella Smith.... accept Jacob Maranzano...as your lawfully wedded husband?" I look at her and notice her head cowering down. What is wrong with her! She can't do this now! There is a whole crowd waiting here and plus the media is here too! She simply can't just sit mute here,my reputation is at stake!

" Do you accept Jacob Maranzano as your lawfully wedded husband?" I instantly get annoyed as I hear the media whispering and gossiping about this situation. Nobody gossips about Jacob Maranzano! "Anna...what is wrong with you huh!" I say trying to sound sweet.

"I do" a barely noticeable whisper says...and for some reason...I feel this isn't Annabella's voice! I get worried and my thoughts instantly halt as I here the pastor clear his throat " I pronounce you husband and wife!...you may..." Just as the pastor is about to continue, Mr Smith intervenes and tells the pastor something.

The pastor leaves and soon the media comes and takes advantage of the moment! " Mr Maranzano....please unveil your wife's face! We'd like to show the world the face of Mrs Maranzano!" The crowd starts hooting and I get frustrated but immediately mask up my emotions and unveil her face. I get the shock of my life!!!

The face behind the veil, MY WIFE...is none other than ARABELLA! I'm so confused! What the hell is happening! I clench my jaw and move away and try to think what has happened! I knew something was gonna happen! The way Annabella was behaving said it all!

No no!!!! I won't give them the reaction they all wanted! Annabella betrayed me right? So what? Im still married... I'll still achieve my dream...even though it is Arabella who is now my WIFE!

I can't afford to ruin anything at this point! I've gone so far....the media has to believe this is my wife! I look at Arabella's terrified face and smirk. "Now you have it every one! This is Mrs Maranzano! My wife! " Everyone screams and cheers....yet only I know the truth. I'll make sure her life is so bad,that she prefers death. "Welcome to hell....my dear WIFE!"


End of chapter 9🌹

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