🌹Chapter 18🌹

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Arabella's POV:

I wonder what's taking Jacob so long! I hope he is okay. That man did not look like he had any good intentions. Who does he think he is to just judge Jacob like that! He has changed....and I see it!

I hear the door opening and I immediately turn my head to see Jacob."Jake...are you okay? What did he say to you? Was he being mean? Jacob tell me!" Jacob immediately looks at me with his emotionless face.

"I'm fine. He said nothing wrong...just reminded me of my harsh reality!"
I instantly feel bad. That man did not have to say something to Jacob....he was so perfectly happy every other day!

"Hey Jake....don't feel bad about anything he said. You know...no matter what anybody says...my opinion on you will never change!"

I immediately pull Jacob in a strong embrace.... hoping it'd make him feel better.

"You know...I'm trying to change Arabella. I really am! But everyone doesn't believe me!"

My heart drops at whatever Jacob said. Why does he continuously blame himself for everything.

"Arabella. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! You're the only one that sees the good in me!" At this moment....my heart stops beating! Jacob loves me! I've been waiting for this day...since forever.

My dreams have finally been fulfilled. Everything seems to be falling into place...and I'll not let anything break us apart.

Charlie's POV:

Whatever happened today....there's some hidden meaning behind it! I've always felt an attachment towards Jacob's wife...from the very day I saved her from the humiliation in the village.

Maybe it's because....SHE would've been the same age as her. Each time I looked at her....I always got reminded of HER. I sometimes feel like laughing at my own fate. I lost EVERYONE special to me because of Jacob!

"Mum, dad, Leah, Kiara . I lost all of you because of him! I was stupid to ever befriend him! I'll make him pay for everything he did! I won't leave him!"

The reason why I hate Jacob so much is because I took him as my best friend...but he was my biggest enemy!

Flashback: Author's POV

"Leah...stop crying...mummy is busy seeing to the guests!" The little boy tried to console his 1 year old sister, Leah. The little girl's crying became too intense.

"Looks like I have to call mummy now" The boy walked downstairs to the kitchen to find it empty. He decided to check the living room. Little did he know...he was going to witness a scene that'll crush his soul for life.

"Mummy where are...." The boy immediately hid behind the wall....when he saw his uncle Justin...his father's best friend...holding a gun at his mother.

"What did you think... Phillip? You thought I was actually your friend! I just used you because Dad didn't wanna give me the throne!"

The little boy was afraid watching his parents cry and a gun placed on his mother's head.

"Justin ...please leave Rosanne alone! She's innocent in all of this" The boy saw his father beg them to leave his mother alone....but the man laughed.

"You shouldn't have gotten so close to my dad Phillip...now I'll have to get rid of you so the throne is mine!"

The boy ran to save his parents. "Leave my mummy and daddy alone!" As the boy screamed...the crowd only laughed. Soon Justin Maranzano pulled the trigger.... Killing the boy's father.

"Dad...dad wake up!" The boy tried to get his father up....but he saw that the evil man was going to kill his mother. He hurried to save his mother....but the evil men heard the little girl's cries.

"Is that a child crying? Go and get the girl!" And with that.... Justin's men took the girl and ran away.... leaving the mother and son alone. The boy's mother was losing a lot of blood and couldn't move. "Go and get Leah"

That was the last words the boy heard his mother say....and the last time he saw his sister Leah.

End of flashback

"It's all because of my stupidity that Kiara and Mark were also lost!" Yes...Mark was my friend....and I was aware that Annabella was dating him and that is why I was shocked to see Annabella dating Jacob. He was my closest cousin and supported me most after my wife Kiara...was killed by Jacob!

What Annabella didn't know...was that Mark was not killed by Jacob because he witnessed them smuggling drugs. Mark was murdered because Jacob found out that we were taking revenge for Kiara's death!

I don't know what Arabella has to do with all this....but I will save her... because I want to see Jacob fail. He took away everyone I ever loved!
"Sir....we have something to tell you!"

I instantly turn back to see my right hand man looking really serious. I gesture him to continue. "It's about Leah!"


End of chapter 18🌹

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