🌹Chapter 6🌹

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Jacob's POV:

Why did Charlie have to come here? Everything was going perfect! Now I'm so sure he's gonna do something to ruin all my plans, but I cannot let that happen! Arabella didn't even get to beg for my forgiveness because my enemy had saved her! But that doesn't ruin anything...if he thinks he has done something to ruin my plans, he really hasn't!

The rest of my plans will go Normal. "Mr Smith, I humbly apologize for my insolence! Actually...that Charlie guy...made me realize my mistake!" I have to act all innocent now! Can't afford to make Mr Smith turn against me. "What are you saying son! You did nothing wrong. Actually I was afraid you wouldn't want to marry Annabella now!"

The way Mr Smith behaves...clearly shows that he only cares about Annabella. I need to do my research! Why don't they care about Arabella...and what she has to go through? I mean , surely Mr Smith could've stopped her from begging for my forgiveness. I know he wouldn't ever let Anna beg!

"Actually Mr Smith, I wanted your permission! May I take Annabella to the shop? Considering the wedding is gonna take place soon?" I know his answer,but anyway! Now I just need to make Anna more comfortable with the idea of our marriage. Then everything will go as planned!

"Of course son!" And with a smirk I leave to get to my car. "Charlie! You actually thought you'd come in between of me being the underworld king! You'd never! You don't even have what it takes!" I instantly halt when I notice Annabella coming. "Hey Jake....umm I'm...can we take Arabella along?" Just then I look behind and I notice her there.

I hate her...but at the same time she looks so innocent and broken! Broken because of me! What is wrong with you Jacob! "Why does she have to come?" I don't care how annoyed I sound right now!

"Actually it's been long since we spent time together! Also you'll be able to meet her!" I look at her and my cold stare pierces holes in her head! "Get in fast! We needa go!" I start the engine and we take off with my speed!

Arabella's POV:

Thank goodness I didn't have to beg in front of everyone! That Charlie...I don't even know who he is or why he came...but if he didn't come....I would be humiliated! " Arabella! Please come to the shop with me! I can't go alone with Jake!" That's when I got confused. Why can't she go alone with him?

"Why can't you go alone, Anna?" I notice that she looks confused but soon masks it up. "Actually...he doesn't like time to be wasted...so if I'm alone... I'll take too long! So come along!" She dragged me down the stairs with her. I didn't even get time to dress decently.

I notice her mumbling something to Jacob...but I didn't pay attention as I was trying to distract myself from looking at him! Soon Anna says I can go in the car. I enter and get the shock of my life! He drives too fast! This is scary!

Thank goodness we reached the shop. Anna and I walk around like excited bunnies that hasn't seen anything like this before! "Anna please be fast! We're here for wedding shopping...not to parade in circles!" I instantly get afraid by Jacob's voice!

I know what he said, was hinted towards me! I decide to take Anna to the wedding dress store. I notice Anna is looking sad....but is trying to cover it up! "Anna....are you..." I was interrupted by a woman that brought a gorgeous gown for Anna to try on. Maybe I'm just over thinking?

Unknown POV:

"Yes, did you find out?" I smoke my cigar and sip my wine...waiting for the response. "Sir... we've found out that she's not Mr Smith's daughter... they'd found her on the roadsides one day and took her in! Infact we're trying to see who's her real family! But we've come to know that they mostly keep her as a maid...she was never really important to them"

I chuckle and hang up. Puffing out the smoke of my cigar...I begin laughing satanically. " So Arabella...I was right about you huh! You aren't Mr Smith's daughter! You're just some trash they picked up from the roadsides!"

I look in the mirror and laugh. "That low life thought she was capable of ME! JACOB the future king of the underworld!" Now that my doubt has been confirmed... at least I know I've chosen the real daughter of Mr Smith...which is Annabella!


End of chapter 6🌹

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