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two. where you go my heart is

England - 1542

Elijah was standing behind Klaus's chair when you walked in, both laughing at something in Klaus's hands. He looked up when you came in.

"Y/N, come look," he said. You walked over and peered down at the scroll in his hands.

"Oh, is this the Roman ones? I quite like the African carvings the best."

"I was actually just saying that I'm partial to the Aztec scrolls," Elijah said.

"Ah yeah, the shaman," you rolled your eyes.

Klaus laughed. "Are we ready for the party, love?"

"Just about," you said. "Are you sure she'll come?"

"Trevor promised he'd bring her," Elijah said.

"And we're sure it's her?" Klaus asked.

You could feel Klaus's excitement, palpable in the air. "You'll be whole again soon, my love," you said.

"Yes, everything should go according to plan," Elijah said.

Klaus grinned. "I cannot believe we have found her again. I must meet her tomorrow at the party. Our little guest of honor. Elijah, do be sure Trevor does not falter."

"Should I be jealous?" You asked. You knew Tatia had been killed centuries ago, but you still remembered the feeling of watching Klaus fawn over the girl. And truth be told, there was a distance between you and Klaus now that caused the insecurities to run rampant in your mind.

"We need her to break the curse," Klaus said dismissively.

Elijah gave you a sympathetic look. You sighed and looked away. Klaus had become more and more dismissive of you since you'd come to England, and you weren't sure why. Especially when he held you so close when you went to bed together. It was as if you had become a dirty secret, one he did not want to share.

• • •

You had come down with Elijah as Klaus was finishing a correspondence before joining the party. Or so he said. You were sure he just wanted to make a grand entrance. He always was very dramatic. And so, while you waited, you stood beside Elijah, watching the humans. They were enjoying the festivities but you were full of nerves. Trevor had promised he had found her, the doppelgänger. But you couldn't be sure until you met her yourself.

"I can feel your anxiety from here," Elijah said beside you.

"If it's not her, he's going to be crushed," you said softly.

"Yes, I too worry it will send him spiraling," Elijah admitted. You nodded, though you didn't respond. Over the centuries, Niklaus had slowly changed. For one, he preferred being called Klaus now, though he was still Nik to you. And he had grown colder, reveling more in the violence that came with being a vampire. His biggest difference was with you. He had never treated you coldly before, not once in your many years together. And yet now, he didn't seem to even want to be in the same room as you, short of sleeping. He always, dutifully, came to your bed at night and held you close as you both slept.

"Ah there he is," Elijah broke you out of your thoughts. You looked up and saw Trevor walking over to you. "Good evening, Trevor. I am pleased you could join us."

"I could not miss the birthday celebration," Trevor said before bowing his head at you. "My lady."

"Trevor," you acknowledged. "I hear you have brought us a most marvelous gift. Where is this mystery girl?"

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