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twenty-seven. take on the world with you

"What are we even looking for?" You asked Elijah as you rummaged through the books on the desk Esther had been using.

"Any sign of what my mother is up to," Elijah told you.

"Right and what exactly would that look like?" You rolled your eyes, sitting down in the desk chair. "I mean your mother is a powerful witch, Elijah. I'm pretty sure she knows how to cover her tracks. And I doubt she's just gonna leave the specific tome she used to aid her plan in plain sight."

He smirked at you. "Just keep looking for anything inconspicuous, Y/N."

"You know what I think?" You completely ignored the books now as you leaned forward on your hands with your elbows on the desk. He looked at you in question. "I think Finn is involved."

"Why do you think that?"

"He was talking to Elena yesterday at the ball, before she disappeared up to see Esther," you said. "Besides, he's always been bit too much of a momma's boy in my opinion."

"Yes, thank you for that opinion," he rolled his eyes. "But you do bring up a good point. Finn has been hanging around mother more than the rest of us since she returned."

"He's always done that," you said casually as you began looking around again. "Hence my opinion. Momma's boy."

He smiled at you wryly. "We are going to need actual evidence, Y/N."

Your eyes wandered, catching on something in the trash. "What's this?" You reached in and picked up a bundle of herbs. Your eyes widened as you looked up, meeting Elijah's eyes as you held it up. "Sage."

"My mother wanted privacy for her conversation with Elena," Elijah took it from you, looking at it closely.

"I doubt she'd need privacy if she was just apologizing as Elena says," you said.

"I'm afraid you're right," he sighed. "What are you up to mother?"

"We need to know what she and Elena spoke about," you said. "I think she may open up to you. You were friendly with her in the past, and you tried to help her."

He nodded. "And you will contact Damon?"

"Yeah, I doubt he'll tell me anything since he knows I'll try to stop him if it hurts any of you, but it's worth a try," you shrugged. "He may let something slip. Damon can be..."

"Excessively irritating and small minded?"

"I was going to say overconfident," you smirked.

"I believe we said the same thing," he said. He threw the sage back into the trash. "Well, I believe we have our work cut out for us."

You nodded and stood, looking at Elijah for a moment. "You know just because we're working together doesn't mean I forgive you," you said.

"I'm aware," he said. "I believe you will forgive me one day when you see how truly sorry I am. I never meant to put you in the middle of our family dispute, and in trying to avoid it, I hurt you. I am deeply sorry for my actions, Y/N. In the meantime, I am grateful for your help in protecting our family."

"Always and forever," you said softly and he smiled. You were mad at Elijah sure, but your family was under attack. You could hold off on your grudge.

• • •

You walked into the living room where Rebekah was standing in the last night's dress. You smirked at her. "Fun night, Bekah?"

"Our dear sister thinks she's a strumpet," Kol smirked at you.

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