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seven. secrets i must keep, keep us apart

You had come to New York for the day. You needed to get away from Katherine, and well, being in the house with Elijah's dead body didn't help either. Besides, you hadn't planned on being gone so long. You had to grab a few things if you were going to be in Mystic Falls for the unforeseeable future. You just had one more stop.

You had come to see Will. You didn't have many friends. For most of the time since you'd left New Orleans, you were never in the same place long enough to make any. And then after you remembered, it was too risky to let vampires into your life. You didn't know if they'd be working for Klaus. After all, vampires always tried to curry favor with him. But this wasn't just a social visit.

"Hey, Y/N, what can I get you? Bourbon?" Will walked over to you.

You nodded. "I'm gonna need a full package also."

He raised an eyebrow as he went to pour your drink. "Already? Isn't it too soon for the usual?"

"I'm involved in something right now," you said. "And I may have to leave...quickly once it's done."

His eyes filled with understanding as he placed a glass in front of you. "I can have it ready in a few days. You gonna hang around?"

"No, I'll grab it on my way out of town, if I need to," you said. The truth was, when Klaus found you, when he discovered what you had done, you had no doubt he would come for you. And you needed to be long gone before that happened.

"Hey by the way, I heard an interesting piece of gossip recently," Will said, leaning against the bar towards you.


"You'll never believe it," Will said. "I'm sure in all your years you've heard of the Sun and the Moon Curse?"

You tensed. "What about it?"

"Word on the street is that there's a doppelgänger," Will said. "Man, all you'd need is the moonstone and we could break that curse. We wouldn't even need rings to walk in the sun."

"There's a doppelgänger?" You asked slowly. That was not good. That meant word of Elena's existence had gotten out. Damon was not going to be happy about that.

"Yeah," he said. "I've never seen one but they must be something special. There's been a lot of talk in the bar."

"By who?" You asked.

He bowed his head at a group of vampires in the corner. "They're out of towners. They came because they thought New York was a good place to start their search."

"They're looking for the doppelgänger?" You eyed the group in question. There was three of them. They looked like they were overly confident. But you knew you could take them. You'd noticed them when you walked in. The way they were behaving, they couldn't be that old.

"Yeah," Will said. "Can you imagine if they actually found her?"

"That's be interesting," you said vaguely. You weren't going to give them a chance. You didn't particularly care for Elena one way or the other, but you knew the more vampires that came into town, the higher chance it would draw Klaus faster.

Your phone started ringing and you saw it was Damon. "Yeah?" You picked up, you eyes still on the group.

"What do you know about witchy massacre sites?" He asked over the phone.

You paused. You knew Elijah had been looking for the place the witches had been killed. You knew it was part of his plan, you just didn't know how. You knew it would help him kill Klaus however, and so you needed to be careful.

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