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five. hidden is where i keep my heart

You walked down the stairs just as Damon kissed Andie goodbye. The door was open and Ric was standing there, an annoyed look on his face. "Oh, hey, Alaric. Later," Andie said as she left.

Damon waved bye before turning back to face you and Alaric. "Well, there you are sleepy head. Where did you sneak off to last night?"

"I went for a walk," you said. "Didn't want to hear the show."

"She means the incredible sex I had with my new girlfriend. Andie Star, action news," Damon smirked at Alaric.

"It's not called action news," Alaric said.

"I know, I just like saying it," he said, closing the door. "Come on."

You all walked over to the parlor and Damon unrolled a dagger from a piece of cloth. You winced. You knew that dagger. You would have known it anywhere.

"So, John Gilbert gave me this to kill Elijah," Damon said. "Said you have to dip the dagger in the remains of an old white ash tree that dates back to the Originals, if there's any truth in that."

You kept your face as neutral as possible. How did John Gilbert know that? More over, how did he even get possession of that dagger? As far as you knew, Klaus kept the daggers close by him.

Alaric took the dagger from Damon and examined it. "So you think it's a setup?"

"Could be," Damon said. "Guy's a weasel. Wouldn't put anything past him." He looked at you. "You ever heard of anything about this supposed Original killer?"

"You can't kill Elijah," you said. You hoped your voice didn't sound as desperate out loud as it did in your head. They both looked at you. "What I mean is, you can't kill an Original. I know that much."

Damon walked over to the bar and poured three drinks. "We'll see." He handed you a glass. "What are you up to today, Mr. Saltzman?"

"Well, Jenna and I were supposed to go to her family's lake house, but somehow, we both got roped into doing this Historical Society thing at the Lockwoods," Alaric said as he took the remaining glass.

"Where Elijah's the guest of honor."

"Tell me you're not gonna kill him at the tea party," Alaric said.

"No, that would be stupid," Damon said.

"You don't even know if that thing works," you said. You knew it did, and you knew it couldn't be Damon that wielded it. It would kill him. But you couldn't say that without raising too much suspicion.

"You're right, we don't," Damon said. "But it's worth a try."

"Damon, everyone is going to be at the party, including the entire Council," Alaric reminded him.

"I'm not going to do anything at the party," Damon said. "I want to know his endgame before I kill him. But I do think it's time Elijah and I officially met." He looked over at you. "You get to be my date, and you get to meet an Original."

"Oh joy," you rolled your eyes.

• • •

You walked into the Mystic Grill later. You had time before the party, and well, you needed a drink and space from Damon. You couldn't help them dagger Elijah. You always hated it when Klaus daggered them. You knew how they felt when they were daggered, how betrayed they felt each time he did it. He never made you complicit, but you were guilty by association. You never stopped him either. You'd tried in the beginning, to try to talk him out of it. You'd tried to get him to undagger Finn for centuries. But he never listened to you. After a while, you stopped trying. Elijah and the others, they never blamed you. But you blamed yourself. They were your family too, and you let them meet that fate so many times. You couldn't have a hand in Damon doing the same to Elijah now. But you knew the power of the dagger. You knew if a vampire used it, they would be killed. How were you going to stop him?

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