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nineteen. betrayal is a dagger with no white oak ash

It had taken a while for Rebekah to cry herself out. You had gone to bed when she finally got up and walked out without a word. You understood. You knew betrayal too. You had walked to your room in silence. Damon and Stefan weren't back yet when you got into bed. You didn't even want to know what they were doing but you hoped Damon at least knew what he was doing.

In the dark of your room, you looked at the voicemail icon on your phone. You still hadn't listened to his voicemail, and a part of you wanted to delete it without playing it. But another part of you wanted to know. Maybe you were a masochist. You wanted to drive the knife in deeper into your heart. You wanted it to cut all the ties that still held you to him, to shatter the last remaining feelings you couldn't seem to escape. You sighed and pushed play.

"Y/N," Klaus's voice filled the room. "I've been thinking of New Orleans lately. You were right before. It was my fault we never got to grieve Marcellus together. Perhaps, when this is all done, we could take a trip down there? We can see the final place we saw him together, our son. Would you like that?"

You felt the tears gather in your eyes as you remembered the decades you'd spent in New Orleans with your family. For centuries, it had just been you and Klaus and his siblings. And that had been enough. But in New Orleans, you gained a new family, a piece of your heart you didn't know you were missing. Mikael had taken him from you, and Klaus...Klaus made you forget. You had lost Marcellus twice because of them.

"We were so happy there, weren't we? I remember the walks we used to take through the town. Do you remember those beignets on Bourbon Street? From that one bakery. You refused to eat them from anywhere else after we found them. You even decreed no vampire in the Quarter could harm that family. Do you think they're still there? We could go see. Together." You heard him sigh. "Maybe we could start again in the street where we made our home. Maybe you'll give me another chance to show you I can still be the man you loved for all those years."

The voicemail ended, and you regretted listening to it as you wiped your eyes. Why did you do this to yourself? It didn't matter what sweet words he threw at you. You weren't the same naive, blinded by love foolish girl you'd been when you lived on this land so long ago. You weren't just going to give in just because he mentioned Marcellus. Even now, you knew he was using your emotions to manipulate you. You groaned and pressed the pillow by your side to your face. Hadn't he done enough? Why couldn't he just leave you be?

• • •

It was quiet when you woke up, but you could hear the shuffling of feet downstairs. Damon and Stefan must have returned some time in the night. You got ready and headed down, hearing faint talking. But fear took over as you froze at the door.

Stefan, Elena, Damon and Mikael were standing around the library, and they turned to look you. You instinctively took a step back. For 900 years, you had run from this man. The last time you'd seen him was in New Orleans when he killed your son and almost killed you. That was the catalyst for the beginning of the end for you.

"Y/N," Mikael said. "You're looking well. Don't worry. I'm not here for you this time."

"Why don't I believe that?" you scoffed, crossing your arms. You looked behind you, wondering if you could make it to the front door faster than him. He was already invited in, but if you could get away fast enough...

"Niklaus is not here to watch your death," Mikael said nonchalantly. "There is no purpose for it."

Your jaw dropped as you stared at him. You heard the silent message in his words. There was no purpose yet. But when they managed to get Klaus back here...that was a different story.

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