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seventeen. holding onto the ghost of you

This had to be some kind of trick or magic. Because Lexi was definitely very dead. Whatever this was, you knew it was not good news. You sped at the apparition but it disappeared as quickly as it had come and you fell to the floor, alone in the room.

"Lexi?" you said softly, looking around the room. But there was no response, nothing but the deafening silence. Had you imagined her there? She had seemed so real, and yet...there was nothing.

You heard Damon scream downstairs, breaking the silence. You sped down to see what was going on, but your eyes widened as you saw Stefan walking out of the parlor, a smirk on his face.

"Stefan? How did you..." you started. How had he gotten out? You'd made sure the cellar was locked.

He smirked at you. "Guess you didn't lock me up tight enough. The door just swung right open."

You glared at him. "I won't make that mistake again." You got ready to jump him again. Even if he wasn't weakened by Elena's stakes this time, you were still stronger than him.

But then Damon screamed again and Stefan smirked. "Who's it gonna be? Save my brother or stop me? You might want to hurry. He doesn't sound like he has long."

You groaned and sped into the room, leaving Stefan behind you. Damon was chained to a chair with a rod through his chest, and the curtains were open, the light falling directly onto him. He was burning. You sped over to him and pulled him out of the sunlight.

"Where's your ring?" you asked, looking around. You saw it tossed away on the ground and grabbed it, putting it on for him.

"Took you long enough," he gasped in pain.

You rolled your eyes as you broke the chains. "You're welcome. Did Stefan do this?"

"He says he didn't but I didn't see anyone else," Damon said as he sped to the curtains to close them again now that he was free. "How the hell did he get out?"

"He says the door opened by itself," you looked around the room. You could have sworn you'd seen Lexi, though she was nowhere to be found now. But Lexi would never have opened Stefan's cellar door.

"Maybe it's your psycho ex back in town?" he asked.

"No," you said. "He's in the Rockies."

"You knew that way too quickly," he shook his head. "Barbie Klaus?"

"Damon, I saw Lexi," you said, as if he could validate you weren't going crazy. Because if it had been Lexi, if she had somehow broken out from The Other Side, what if someone had broken out with her?

"That's not possible, I killed her, remember?" he rolled his eyes.

"And yet, she was in my room just now," you said. "It's gotta be something witchy, Damon. Think about it. Lexi, Stefan's cell door, you being chained up and almost burnt to a crisp?"

"You think Lexi is doing this? Some kind of revenge for killing her?" He asked warily, looking around the room.

"I don't know," you said. "She wouldn't open Stefan's cell door though. But even if she was here, she's dead. She's a ghost, and ghosts can't actually interact with things in this plane."

Damon looked at the bloody rod on the ground with a pensive look on his face. "Unless they can suddenly. Because my assassination attempt reminds me of how I killed the werewolf."

"What werewolf?"

Damon looked around the room. "Mason Lockwood. Come out, come out, wherever you are Mason."

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