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eleven.  what would you give?

You walked into the library of the Boarding House. When you had woken up, you were in your bedroom. The last thing you remembered was Elijah snapping your neck. But that meant someone had brought you here. You wondered if it was Damon. You hoped it was, because that would mean he didn't hate you. You were sure Elena had already transitioned and told them what you had said in the Quarry. Even if she hadn't, Stefan had heard what Klaus had said.

"You're up," Stefan said when he saw you.

"What happened?" you asked. You needed to know. You needed to know if they had killed Klaus. You didn't feel half your heart gone, and you thought, maybe you should if he was dead. After all, he had been your partner for so long. There should have been some kind of mark on you from losing him. There had been when you were compelled to leave him in 1919, an emptiness in your mind you just couldn't fill. It had to be worse now, you thought, if he was actually dead.

"Elijah betrayed us," Stefan said.

"What?" you dared not hope until you heard the words. Elijah had been so adamant on his path. He had snapped your neck to prove it. Why would he betray them? Elijah never broke his word. His word was his bond, it was his honor. What had Niklaus done?

"Seems like he's not the only one," Damon walked in and you tensed. "Your boyfriend is alive, by the way."

"He's not my boyfriend," you said softly. Though now, you let the relief wash over you.

"No, you're right, he's not your boyfriend," Damon said as he poured himself a drink. "What do you call someone you were in a relationship with for 900 years?"

"Damon," Stefan chided. "She tried to save Jenna."

"And a wonderful job she did there," Damon glared at you.

"She did about the same as me, remember?" Stefan said.

"No, it's okay, Stefan," you turned to look at Damon. "He needs to get it out."

"Why would I ever do that? It's not like we actually tell each other anything," Damon said. "I mean, we just go around hiding that our ex is a psychopath hellbent on killing everyone. What else is there to say after that?"

"To be fair, you also have a psychopath ex hellbent on killing everyone," you smiled sheepishly.

He rolled his eyes. "Don't do that. What the hell, Y/N? Why the hell didn't you tell me you not only knew Klaus, but you were sleeping with him for oh a few centuries? You didn't think that could help us?"

You sighed. "Damon, I couldn't help you kill him.  I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but it was a chapter of my life I couldn't tell anyone about."

"Yeah well, now we can't kill him so," he said, chugging back his drink. "Guess you don't have to worry about that."

He walked away, and you watched him sadly. You knew he hadn't forgiven you, and you wondered if he ever would. You looked back at Stefan. "Is this the part where you kick me out?"

"No, hey, listen, I don't like the lies but I get it, more than anyone," he smiled sadly. "There are whole parts of my past that I wish I could pretend never happened." He looked passed you where Damon had gone. "I wouldn't worry too much. He went back to the Quarry for you last night. He'll get over it eventually."

"Well, thankfully, as vampires, we have nothing but time," you smiled sadly. You looked down at his outfit, and your face fell. "I'm guessing black suit isn't just a new fashion choice for you?"

"It's uh it's Jenna and John," Stefan said. "We're having the funeral today."

"Oh," you said sadly. "I really liked Jenna. I'm sorry I couldn't save her. How's Elena? I'm sure all the emotions so early in the transition are hard."

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