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thirty-two. in another life, i would be your girl


You stopped walking when you saw Klaus stop ahead of you. "What is it?" you asked, stepping by his side. You had decided to trek the Andes. He had heard of some old tribe that had myths of a God that sounded remarkably like a werewolf.

You followed his intent gaze to a hummingbird that had flown up to him, hovering for a moment before settling on flowers beside him. He didn't even seem to hear you as you called his name again. You put your hand on his arm, and he sighed, his eyes not moving from the small bird as he said, "What a beautiful thing."

"The hummingbird or the flowers?"

"Listen to it's heartbeat," Klaus said. "Pattering away like a machine gun." You looked at him in confusion. He had seen hummingbirds before. "What a beautiful thing, to have to work that hard everyday just to stay alive. I wonder if everyday is that much more satisfying for facing death and surviving it. I wonder if that is what being human is like. I'm afraid I don't remember the feel of that constant desperation after all these years."

You understood now what he meant. You were slightly surprised though. Klaus had never once brought up his humanity. He didn't need to worry about the verge of death humans lived on. After all, he was immortal, albeit cursed and broken. They had burned down the one tree that could have killed them, and his mother laid dormant in her coffin. His only fear was his father and the death he could bring.

"Would you want to feel it though?" you asked softly.

He smiled slightly as he looked at you. "Perhaps for a fleeting moment," he said. "Would you?"

You looked away, not wanting to answer that. Because there was one part of humanity you craved. There was one part that you regretted was taken from you when you became a vampire. Klaus hooked your jaw and turned your head to face him. "Tell me."

You couldn't meet his eyes. "I wish I could have known the joy of being a mother," you said quietly. His hand on your chin tensed slightly. "There will only ever be the two of us, and that's okay. I love you more than life itself and this life you have given me is worth it if I can remain by your side. But in another life, in a human life, I wouldn't have failed you in this regard. I could have given you children. We could have built our legacy, not in our infinite years, but in our shared moments of joy, laughter and love, woven into the fabric of time, leaving an indelible mark on the universe."

"Look at me," he ordered. But you couldn't. Because this was your greatest regret, finally open in the space between you. You had failed him. You knew how desperately he wanted a family, the love only a family could bring. And in another life, you could have given that to him. Now, it was only your love you could give. "Look at me."

His tone was more forceful this time, and you looked up, meeting his eyes. You saw the regret in them.

"My greatest regret is letting you believe for even a second that you failed me in any way," he said, his eyes blazing. "While we did not know my blood in your veins would turn you as it did, it was the greatest relief in my life when you awoke. I have never needed anything else from you but to have you by my side, love. I am sorry you could not experience motherhood before your death, but know this, Y/N, I will love you for an eternity. Even if it's just the two of us, it will be enough if you are by my side."

You smiled, feeling the tears welling in your eyes. You leaned up and pressed your lips against his.

You woke with a start. You sighed as you sat up, running your hand through your hair. You had left Mystic Falls a week ago, and you thought Klaus would respect that decision. How foolish were you. He was sending you memories in your dreams again, reminding you of your love for him. But he didn't understand, even now, you didn't need those reminders. You didn't leave because you didn't love him.

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