𓆛𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚎𝚎𝚙 𝚂𝚎𝚊𓆛

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Octovinelle Dorm - Monstro Lounge

I looked around the place as people ate or were working around. A mixture of Octovinelle students and anemone heads for the staff. I hugged Chirithy as I gave a deep breath.

I decided to wear my normal clothing for the meeting but I suppose wearing my school uniform could have been less time consuming.

Jack placed a hand on my shoulder, "We are truly in enemy territory so watch your back." I nodded as I gave another deep breath

"Rainbow Shark. Welcome." I turned around to see Floyd in the Octovinelle outfit. Floyd looked at Jack,"Urchin came, too." Before Jack could say anything I kicked his shin and looked at Jade who came by as well, he too was also wearing the dorm outfit. "Welcome prefect. Thank you for coming so soon." He bowed a bit, "Welcome to the Monstro Lounge."

He stood right, "This is the first time coming to the lounge, correct?" He gave off a smile that just said 'Am being sarcastic'

I was about to speak before Jack placed me behind him and growled at Jade, "I thought about it this afternoon but do you enjoy asking questions you already know the answer to?" Jade just chuckled, "It's just to make sure." He then looked at me, "Well then, this may be presumptuous of me but please allow me to explain a few pointers for this establishment."

He looked at me sternly as the thing he said to me felt like it was directed to me and me alone. "Mostro Lounge is a place for social meetings for gentlemen. Disputes between dormitories are strictly forbidden. Here you shall follow the rules of Octovinelle, no matter which dorm you come from."

He then gave a closed eyed smile, "Please follow our rules and enjoy your time in the lounge. Then dear guests, what is your business today?"

I whispered to Chirithy, "Am going to smack him with a pan." "I would give you full permission but not right now N/n."

I coughed, "I would like to speak to Azul Ashengrotto on the matter of the anemone headed people." Jade nodded, "As you wish. Currently, our boss is attending to another customer. Can I ask you to wait for a short while? Oh and we do require you to order one drink. So please make sure to do that."

Jade then clapped his hands as he looked behind him. "Mr. Anemone. Please take their order." Behind him were Ace and Deuce who seemed to be sticking with each other but no Grim in sight.Deuce shook his head, "Sorry but I've got to deliver these drinks first." Ace glared at Jade, "Were busy so how about you take their order at least! Seeing you laze about while we work our asses off pisses me off."

Jade looked disappointed, "You're pretty sassy for a bunch of anemones." He then grabbed their anemone's and tugged on them which caused Ace and Deuce to yelp in pain. "Azul has told me to give instructions to you new hires. So I have to properly discipline any back-talk." He continues to hurt Ace and Deuce.

I watched in horror as I saw the conditions everyone in this contract is going through. No doubt this was pure pain from the grueling hours they do. Not even Scrooge was this bad when I worked at the Bistro but then again this isn't home either. I shook my head as I carried Chirithy on my back now and grabbed Jade's wrists and twisted them a bit which caused him to hiss in pain. Floyd looked at me in anger but Jade spoke up, "We both know we won't beat you but if you don't follow the rules we won't hesitate to hurt your friends."

I looked at Jade wide eyed at the threat and I growled at him. I let go of his wrists and nodded approvingly. I looked at Chirithy and then around me and I looked at Jade with a sigh, "Excuse my behavior. I am in no mood to have a drink so is there any way I can help around here? At least lessen the work for the anemone people."

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