Games for a Brain

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Amelia got to her parents'house and she greeted her mum first before speaking, "Mum...where did you go? And about the blind didn't go well, he's fucking crazy!!".

She yelled and she saw two males looking at her, her dad and Noah who had a smile on his face as he waved, he said he wanted to go somewhere fun, why this place of all the buildings in the world?

"Noah, I thought you wanted to go somewhere fun?", He shook his head, "Mum and dad are fun and besides, I missed them", he smiled and Amelia nodded.

She then immediately directed her gaze to her mother,"Mum, he only wants power and to me, he looks dangerous, I might become a baby making machine if I marry him but I can't also marry Nicholas...we need more dates".

Isla widened her eyes a little, "Wow, is that my Eva speaking?". Amelia nodded before putting in more of her British accent imitating her mum, "Yes mother", then she flipped her hair and took a seat making Isla smirk at her daughter.

She does take most things after her mother, their bond was strong and genuine, if Amelia were to pick her favourite, she'd say her mum but doesn't have any favourite because she never thought of it.

Amelia sat down on the large sofa and her mum sat beside her, "This is how things went today, I met him in a restaurant, can you believe he booked the whole thing? He told me he did some digging in and said his name was Ademaro Guerriero, nice name right? He shook my hand and he started to tell me things about himself, to be honest, I got bored and started thinking about something else and he forced himself on me, weird things and I freed myself before spilling wine on his face, I tried to make it short but the story is too lon-".

She got cut off by Noah who spoke, "What are you guys talking about?....And I forgot to mention Amelia just hired a new employee as her new marketing manager, I think she likes him, I can't blame her, I envy how he looks". Gabriel's head whipped towards Amelia who now had a flushed face.

"I do not like him! He's just my employee!", Noah smirked and pointed his finger at her before speaking, "Hmm, yes, then why is your face all red if he's just your employee?".

"He is my savior, he saved me from not having a roof under my head, if I hadn't met him, they wouldn't have been able to find me!", Noah laughed, "Sure, I believe you", he said flinging an envelope around and Amelia poked her tongue in her mouth looking at her mum, "Mum, tell him", Isla just smiled making Amelia widen her eyes.

"Mum, why-", she got cut off by her dad who spoke, "Amelia, you made a new employee a marketing manager?", Amelia nodded confirming his words and he nodded too, "Since when do they make employees they had just hired a day before the marketing manager?". He asked

"Dad, look, the old one wasn't doing his job right and he couldn't even make a plan to increase sales on cars but the new one I hired gave me a plan immediately I hired him, he gave me a file containing other companies' operations, investments and so on". Gabriel smiled at his daughter in a not so approving way, "You are growing up too fast, Amelia, you are the youngest and most successful CEO in the country and you have gotten that award twice in a row, there's another one coming up but that doesn't mean that you can do whatever you like".

Amelia shot Noah a death glare but he smiled, he has got to be the first person that hasn't been intimidated by her glare, he crossed his leg, rested his head on the hand that was resting on the sofa and spoke, "Death glares and any type of glares don't work on me, sis, I was taught to ignore threats".

"Dad, we can trust him, I can trust him, I can increase sales now and we just need to encourage him, he might be smarter than we think", Amelia said and Noah clapped, "My brother-in-law, here we come, wow, are you sure you don't like him?".

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