Spider Breathing

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Spider Breathing derives from Insect Breathing

Spider Breathing a breathing style that hinges heavily on the user's dexterity, flexibility, and overall reaction time. Derived from a spider's agility, quick strikes when hunting down prey, and tendency to set traps, the breathing technique mixes intelligence with reflexes. While it can be performed with a normal katana, it is traditionally paired with a long-range weapon such as a whip or a chain blade. The weapons are used to both deliver quick attacks as well as tangle and trip up opponents.

Weapon: Chain Blades

Color: Lavender White

Color: Lavender White

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Demon Slayer Mark

Demon Slayer Mark

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User: Rui Ayaki

Forms: 10

First Form: Quick Fang- The user whips their weapon forward, striking/slashing the opponent with the end of the weapon (usually bladed).

Second Form: Cutting Thread Cage- The user creates a web-shaped string that completely surrounds his opponent to cut them to pieces.

Prison- Similar to his Cutting Thread Cage technique, the user creates a prison of sharp threads that surround his target and slices them to pieces

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Prison- Similar to his Cutting Thread Cage technique, the user creates a prison of sharp threads that surround his target and slices them to pieces.

Third Form: Circling Fang- The user wraps the weapon around the opponent's torso/limb, pulling back and letting the blade slice the skin in a circular motion

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Third Form: Circling Fang- The user wraps the weapon around the opponent's torso/limb, pulling back and letting the blade slice the skin in a circular motion. In its more advanced stage, the user wraps both weapons simultaneously across the opponent's torso/limb, pulling back both weapons to slice two circles around the targeted section. This can be used to cut off limbs, but only if the user is strong/skilled enough.

Fourth Form: Jumping Spider- Starting from a position of high altitude, the user jumps down, swinging both weapons over their heads and vertically down the opponent's body.

Fifth Form: Cutting Thread Rotation- The user creates a rotating wheel of threads, that upon reaching the opponent will cut them to pieces.

Fifth Form: Cutting Thread Rotation- The user creates a rotating wheel of threads, that upon reaching the opponent will cut them to pieces

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Sixth Form: Ensnaring Webs- The user uses one or both weapons to wrap around the opponent's limb(s), effectively grappling them.

Seventh Form: Murderous Eye Basket- The user creates a spherical cage from threads in front of him that expand outward to cut his target to pieces.

Eighth Form: Fanged Whirlwind- A powerful display of speed, the user swings their weapons rapidly while circling the opponent, redirecting several strikes all across the opponent's body

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Eighth Form: Fanged Whirlwind- A powerful display of speed, the user swings their weapons rapidly while circling the opponent, redirecting several strikes all across the opponent's body. By jerking the chains/strands in various directions, the user makes their attacks unpredictable and hard to avoid.

Ninth Form: Metal Cocoon- A completely support-based move, the user uses their weapon(s) to completely wrap up the opponent, rendering them unmovable. This often (but not always) involves wrapping the opponent to an external item, e.g. a branch or a pole.

Tenth Form: Silken Garrote- The most powerful form, the user wraps their weapon around the opponent's throat, pulling the weapon back in a similar fashion to Circling Fang. When used by a strong user, the force is enough to decapitate the enemy. If the user does not have enough strength to do so, it instead works to inject improved wisteria poison directly into the bloodstream, as well as severely maim the opponent.

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