Butterfly Breathing

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Butterfly Breathing derives from Insect Breathing

It replicates butterflies, especially the gracefulness and agility of the creature and replicates it into the users movements, techniques, and abilities. All of the techniques involve complex movements, jumps, and speeds. If the user has mastered Butterfly Breathing, visualize themselves creating and manipulating butterflies when unleashing techniques.

Weapon: Nichirin Sword

Color: Pink

Demon Slayer Mark:

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User: Shinoe

Forms: 8

First Form: Morpho Slash- The user slashes horizontally to slash off limbs of the enemy, if mastered well, it can even go for the head directly.

Second Form: Cottage of White- The user runs all around the enemy at a very high speed so the opponent can't see them clearly and then the user slashes off the enemy's part when they see an opening.

Third Form: Monarch Migration- The user runs in a flow like motion and kills anything in it's path this form also uses poison so if the target's head is not cut off directly in the end there is still an effect.

Fourth Form: Moon Moths Ray- The user jumps into the air and comes down in a spiraling motion and slashes the head off.

Fifth Form: Swarm Of the Swallowtail - The user calls upon many types of swallowtail butterflies as a diversion then comes out of them and kills the opponent.

Sixth Form: Sonoran Slash- The user holds their swords over their head with the tip of the blade facing above the head. Then the user brings the blade down in front of them with a fast slashing motion. The slashing motion travels and cuts the first thing it comes into contact with.

Seventh Form: Solar Pollen- The user plants their sword into the ground, huge flowers a little over the size of a average man appear, then the flowers bloom and pollen and butterfly are released into the air. The user uses this as a distraction then kills the opponent.

Eight Form: Purple Emperor's Poison- This form is considered the most deadly and cruel of this breathing style. The user slashes off the head with poison, the poison stops the corpse from burning and also paralysis them, the poison is linked with the sun by an enchantment so if inside the corpse will burn as if it were in the sun but also works outside.

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