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Malia's POV

The plan was set.

All we had to do was get ready and put it in motion.

Come to think about it, it was a terrible plan but i knew it was the only way to keep my mate and pack safe and away from the darkness.

Taking the spell in my hands and looks up to the girl that i know of the moon goddess.

"Promise me something" i asked her which i got her full attention.


"Promise me that you will protect my baby" i watched her to see any lies but i saw none.

"I promise" she smiles at me and then waves her hand towards me giving me a gift that should protect me and keep me safe and then after she dopes that she disappears into thin air right before me.

Taking a deep breath and closes my eyes and i began chanting the new spell that i had found.

Flinching as pain began to happen as my body started to change shape.

Whimpering as i didn't like the change in my body, i looked down at my hand and saw it bubbling as it also changes shape.

Falling on the floor as i felt a crack.

Getting onto my feet and looks into the mirror and saw my reflection and saw a stranger.

As i touched my face not believing anything that had just happened then i noticed that the stranger was touching her face and that's when i knew that the stranger was me.

Gasping as i felt and heard my bones cracking into a different position.

Struggling to cope with what was happening i closed my eyes as i felt myself crawling around the floor.

'Child, it is almost over the spell has worked and now my gift is also working perfectly' i heard her voice in my head and it calmed me down almost instantly.

'How long will the pain last?' i asked her curious.

'A few more minutes, i shall get somebody to help calm you' she says calmly but i couldn't help but frown as i didn't understand who she could bring.

And that's when i felt a connection like a wave length connecting me to another person.

'Hello, my little one' the other person started to talk first.

'Who are you?' i asked her.

'I didn't think it has been that long since we last spoke' the voice in my head chuckled like something was funny and i clearly didn't get.

'Its me sweetie' i just then knew who it was.

'B...but how' i asked quietly shocked.

'She's the moon goddess... she can do anything' i could see her smiling and looking peaceful as she watches me.

'How do you know about her' i frowned confused.

'When she was a wolf, she was my best friend' she whispers and just when i thought the pain disappeared it came back ten fold.

'Help gran gran!' i screamed out for help.

'You are strong darling, you do not need my help' she says to me calmly.

'I'm not strong gran gran' i whimpered out in pain.

The Alpha And The Witch #Book 4Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ