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Malia's POV

The fear that was rolling off me was certainly the first for me yes i might of been bullied for almost my life but never have i actually feared my best friend before.

Going over the way he reacted in my head actually scared me i mean i was sure he growled and sometimes i think i saw hes eyes had gotten darker that was what scared me the most funny enough the moment someone growls at you, you would run for the hills but no i was scared of hes eyes changing colour and with the fact that he growled at me and that scared the hell out of me.

Wow maybe i am a freak after all...

Shaking my head and shivering under the bleachers in the rain but i didnt care i couldnt stop thinking about what just happened all i could think about was what happened to my best friend because that wasnt him.

This is where i would always hide when i am scared no matter what even when the school is closed i would found a way to come and hide especially when the bullying got too much at school but also when my parents are around and thats for a whole different chapter.

I heard people who didnt think i was here so when people walk by make me shrink so i looked smaller then ever thinking that maybe just maybe my best friend would come and find me but he didnt even though with the way he reacted some part of me wanted him to come and find me but also there was the other part that wanted someone else but i have no one...

Minutes became hours of rain and shaking under the bleachers and that was until finally i heard somebody calling my name but what shocked me was i didnt have any idea who it was until he came round to where i was and i saw him from.

"Malia?" frowning at him wondering how he knew my name but also who he was.

'He was with the boy i fell on to, what did he want and how does he know my name?' i thought to myself not knowing if i should trust him.

"Jesus you must be freezing" i heard him curse and he came running towards me which made me flinch and whimper hoping he wont hurt me he stopped where he was and i heard him exhale and slowly walked closer i watched hes every move and then he spoke.

"Here have this, you must be freezing" he came over and took hes coat off, putting it over me which suddenly made me warm instantly. 

"D..do y..y..you h..have your.. o..own radiator.. in h...ere or so..something" i stuttered out the words as i was cold but also because he was a boy i didnt know, i heard him chuckle but sat next to me. 

"No, it just comes naturally i guess" he smiles at me and looks ahead possibly thinking.

"M...maybe.." i mumbled to myself but it made him laugh.

"Dont you want to go inside?" i questioned me and looked around.

"I like it outside, away from everyone..." i spoke outside without stuttering and the moment i knew it was me that was talking i went back into my hole but i didnt get a slap or anything from anyone so i guess he was different.

"Thats a good idea" hes says and smiles which made me give him a small one and took a better look at him and thats when i noticed i havent seen him around here before maybe hes new but then i thought about the boy i landed on and i didnt see him around here either.

"C..can i ask som..thing?" i couldnt help but wonder many things but one of them is what scared me the most.

"Sure" he smiled at me

"H..ow do.. you k..now my name?" I stuttered as the cold finally started to get to me.

"I saw you running away and my friend wanted to know if you was ok so he asked around and found out" he explained to me not knowing how i was take the news but something inside of me was flattered and made my stomach turn like there was butterfly's.

"Wh..at fr..iend?"

"Would you believe if i said the one you landed on ?" the second he said those words i could help but blush thinking about him he was very handsome but was totally out of my league.

"Wh...at is hes name?" i think that he noticed how interested i was into him as he smiled.

"Hes name is Cameron."

"And.. yours?"

"Im one of hes best friends" he smiled at me obviously proud which almost made me laugh.


"Chase" i smiled and nodded.

"Can i ask you another one?" without stuttering i was shocked and by the looks of Chase's face so was he.

"Of course." he turned round and i knew i had hes full attention.

"Why are you being nice to me?" i asked him knowing that no one would even try and be nice all expect my best friend.

"Why wouldnt i be talking to you?"

"Because everyone seem to hate me"

"Why would they?"

"I have no idea honestly"

"Well can i be your friend?" he smiled but abit nervous which made me wonder why he was.

"Sure" i smiled back 

The rest of the time we just sat and waited until the rain finished none of us spoke but it wasn't uncomfortable silence it was the opposite, the rain finally stopped and we got to know each other turns out he was Cameron's childhood friends and that they did everything together and they also have another best friend who is called Troy and they are actually called the three musketeers; it was funny but then I learned more about him and how he was the quiet one out of the three after everything I heard from him I felt I could trust him and funny enough I felt like a could trust this Cameron and I didn't even know him something about him made me how butterflys in my stomach and it also made me nervous as i thought about it and this had never happened before.

How could that happen?

Something in me wanted to meet and trust who ever this Cameron was, i felt how different he was and i couldnt help but wonder what has gotten into me no one could possible want to be my friend let alone a very handsome male even Chase he asked to me my friend even when he knew nothing about me and for that i was gratefull knowing he wouldnt want to be my friend if he knew about my parents no one would and a part of me thinks that its because of that which is why the people around dont like me because they heard the stoires about what happened about them. 

"Come Cameron, she wants to meet you just as much as you do." i was brought back from my own world when i heard Chase speaking to someone as he looked ahead i frowned at hes words and i looked where he was and i knew then hes words made sense when the handsome male walked between the bleachers and smiled at me and only me hes concentration was only on me which made me blush as i remember that it was him i have fallen on.

"Hello" was all he says with made my stomach do backflips.


Cameron >>>>

The Alpha And The Witch #Book 4Where stories live. Discover now