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Malia's POV

All i could see was darkness and it terrified me, all what i was thinking was. 

What was happeneing to me?

Then this bright light appeared from no where and this women came from it with a smile, i looked down and saw i was in a dress frowning and wondering when did i changed my clothing knowing that it havent happened but then i wondered if my parents came back and finished the job and killed me is that where i was?

Frowning and looked around and then i looked at the women again and she smiled at me and for some reason i couldnt help but smile back but then she didnt stop smiling and it started to get creeped out.

"The last descentant of the 17th century coven of witches has died, now another should be awaken."

"What are you talking about?" i asked her as she finished i was confused and scared especially when she spoke about witches they arent real are they if so i couldnt be one there is no way that could be possible im completely human.

"Your grandmother was a witch, my dear" i heard the voice and i see couldnt believe what she was saying knowing my grandmother very well as she basically brought me up i knew she wasnt... she couldnt have been...

"Your very much mistaken, my grandma was completely human.."

"Thats what she wanted you to think, she had made a spell for you to not require your magic until your 18th birthday but your parents had murdered her so we must unlock the spell so you get your magic earlier than usual to protect those around you especially yourself, what you grandmother did took alot out of her but she shouldnt have done it because it could have killed you and the other witches that lived around her time."

"Why would you do that with my grandmother made that spell to keep it from coming out?!" i screamed out scared about what this would mean what if i turned out to be one of those scary oods from doctor who?! 

'Wow your being told your a witch and then you bring out doctor who what the hell is wrong with you?!' i heard my conscious laugh at me and i couldn't help but chuckle at my little joke.

"Because something is coming and you must prepare, meaning you must learn about the spells you are going to need to protect yourself and others around you."

"Your not making any sense!" i growled under my teeth.

"Hush now child, when you wake up you will experience the desire to be out in the woods do not reject that need, you will need to be out there and then is when you get your magic"

"Why do i need to be out in the woods?" not understanding why i didnt to be outside for this.

"It comes out with nature, earth, air, fire and water"

"W.. will it hurt?" gulping for air as the nerves came to me.


"How long will it last for?"

"Until you get all the magic you will carry."

I was about to ask her more question when i felt a tug, frowning and wondering what the hell was that and then i felt my heart beating.

"Remember you will need the people around you, including those you do not know of yet."

"What do you mean?"

"You will know when you wake up, do not push him away."

"Who will be there?"

"You will see" she smiles at me which made me sure that who ever it was it mustnt be bad otherwise she wouldnt say this.

The Alpha And The Witch #Book 4Where stories live. Discover now