Chapter 25

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"Oh~ Oh~ I have a good idea

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"Oh~ Oh~ I have a good idea..." Hanni suddenly stood up from the floor they're sitting on as she got over to the wardrobe in front of them. "...this section will be..." Then she opened up a compartment from the left side of the wardrobe. "...for our comfy and everyday clothes." Then she slid open the right, more spacious part of the wardrobe. "...and this is where we'll hang our work clothes and clothes we wear when we go out to dinner dates and everything. And the rest, we can just store them in these little compartments below here. What do you think?"

Yongjae who remained seated on the floor while listening and looking over at Hanni with a smile, nodded his head in agreement before he continued folding up her clothes that her parents had brought over yesterday and sorting them out. "Okay sure, that sounds like a plan Hanni." He replied before Hanni went back and sat down next to him and continued folding up his clothes from his luggage and bags. "We're doing something as simple as folding each other's clothes but I'm feeling way too excited doing this to be honest..." His soft chuckle brought a smile on Hanni's face.

It's been four days since Hanni and Yongjae safely moved in at their new apartment and it's been going well between them in their new home and now they're in the process of settling in still, getting their stuffs sorted out together. Now that the wardrobe that they purchased finally arrived at the apartment, now the two were organizing their clothes together on this Saturday morning. 

Ever since her family visited over yesterday, Yongjae's been receiving nothing but pure love and adoration from her parents, especially her mother who's continuously showing him the one thing that he's been yearning to experience his whole life, parental love. Meanwhile her father's conversation with Yongjae throughout yesterday was more of towards men's type of conversation but still, to be able to talk with someone older about cars, works, sports and basically anything else while sharing each other's experiences were that much worth of a conversation than it visibly was.

Yongjae's day yesterday was something that he will forever cherish because not only for the first time since forever for him, Yongjae's mind was in peace, as peaceful as his thoughts of Hanni's family being there with him and treated him like their own, even though they were times yesterday he was secretly wishing that he would be able to spend times like this with his own parents but with him cutting ties with them ever since that dinner incident, Yongjae's wish was well and truly just a farfetched hope.

"Oh look..." Yongjae's eyes landed on the doll that he bought Hanni that night. " she is." He picked up the doll before handing it over to Hanni who snickered softly before hugging the doll in her arms. "This is the most precious thing that I'll ever have because it's so, so, so special for me. You bought this for me as a surprise and I will keep this safe. This is my heirloom if you ask me." Hanni looked over at the doll as she's caressing the cute eyes and the memory of that night instantly floated back inside her mind.

"Then what about that moment you kissed my cheek just when I was about to leave that night?" There's a playful smirk on his face and though Hanni's chuckling, couldn't hide the light hint of blush on those cheeks of hers. "I mean... To be fair, I let my intrusive thoughts took over me that time. But that's because I was so happy and so appreciative towards you that I can't even think of things to do to show you how thankful I am... To be honest though, I have to hold myself back then because my first thought was to just straight kissing you on the lips but that would be so sudden and might turned out for the worst..."

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