CHAPTER 15: Hard Training and surprising results

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As the sun began to rise, casting a soft glow over the secret headquarters of the Bangtan Army, the members Woke up and came to the hall. There was a sense of determination in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the challenges that lay ahead.

JK: Hyung, I will always miss our home.

Jimin: We spent the best days of our life their, I will miss it.

Jin: We all will, but for now we all need to stay strong and not sad, We do not know what is coming next, I am going to make breakfast you all freshen up fast.

Everyone: Yes Hyung.

After breakfast.

RM: Alright everyone, let's start with some light warm-up exercises. We need to keep ourselves sharp for what's to come.

The group dispersed, each member focusing on their individual training. Yoongi and Hobi took you aside to continue your fire power training, while Jin worked with Tae and Jimin on their combat skills.

But as they began their routine, something remarkable happened. You seemed to have made significant progress overnight. With a newfound confidence, you summoned flames with ease, your fireballs burning brighter and stronger than before.

Suga: Wow, Y/N, you've really outdone yourself.

Yoongi said with a proud smile.

Hobi: Yeah, I can't believe how much you've improved in such a short time. You're a natural.

You beamed at their praise, grateful for their encouragement. You had worked hard to master your powers, and it was rewarding to see your efforts paying off.

Meanwhile, Namjoon and Jungkook focused on their defensive abilities, conjuring up barriers and shields with ease. They were so engrossed in their training that they didn't notice your progress until you approached them, a confident smile on your face.

You: Hey guys, check this out.

You said, summoning a shield of your own.

Namjoon and Jungkook turned to see you standing before them, your hand outstretched as a shimmering barrier formed in front of you. They exchanged surprised glances before breaking into smiles.

RM: Nice work, Y/N.

JK: Yeah, you're getting really good at this.

Encouraged by their praise, you continued to push yourself, eager to master your powers and contribute to the group's efforts.

Mr.Jeon: I am proud of you y/n you are progressing very fast, now I trust that you can learn up the powers on your own, everyone else will be there in the war training.

You: I am perfectly fine with it.

Hobi grinned, impressed by your initiative.

Hobi: Sure thing, Y/N. Let's make the most of our time.

And so, as the rest of the group focused on their preparations for the upcoming conflict, while you delved into her training with renewed determination, your heart filled with hope for the challenges that lay ahead.

As you continued your training, the rest of the group dispersed to various corners of the practice room, each immersing themselves in their own specialized training under the watchful guidance of Mr.Jeon.

Namjoon and Jungkook focused on perfecting their defensive abilities, conjuring up barriers and shields of various sizes and strengths. With each successful manifestation, their confidence grew, their movements becoming more fluid and precise.

Jimin and Tae, on the other hand, honed their combat skills, practicing a series of intricate maneuvers and strikes under Jin's careful instruction. Their movements were graceful yet powerful, a testament to their dedication to their craft.

In another corner of the room, Suga worked tirelessly on his control over the elements, summoning gusts of wind and torrents of water with a flick of his wrist. His brow furrowed in concentration as he pushed himself to manipulate the elements with ever-increasing precision.

Meanwhile, Hobi led a rigorous training session for himself, focusing on enhancing his agility and speed. With lightning-fast reflexes, he darted around the room, dodging imaginary obstacles and launching into acrobatic flips and spins trying to create new weapons and shields in air while doing all this.

Throughout the training session, Mr. Jeon offered guidance and encouragement, pushing each member to surpass their limits and reach new heights of mastery over their abilities. His voice rang out across the practice room, a steady presence amidst the flurry of activity.

All of a sudden Hobi created a large table with 9 chairs in mid of the room and Suga brought the food and kept it on the table.

Hobi: Come everyone, it is lunch time.

Everyone was shocked for a second, then they all gathered around the table, Suga pulled the chair for you, you all settled down and had your lunch talking and having fun. After Lunch you all continued with your training.

As the day wore on and the sun began to dip below the horizon, you all paused for a brief respite, your bodies glistening with sweat and their breaths coming in ragged gasps. But despite the physical exertion, there was a sense of accomplishment in the air, a shared determination to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

With your training complete for the day, you all gathered once more in the center of the practice room, your spirits buoyed by the progress you all had made. As you all exchanged nods of approval and words of encouragement, there was an unspoken understanding that you all were stronger together, united in your resolve to protect each other.

Days passed and finally you mastered all your superpowers on your own, and others just had basic war training, that day you all celebrated the completion of all your superpowers, Jin and Suga prepared your favorite food and They all together arranged a candle light dinner, that night you all had fun.

After the dinner was over you all went to sleep, Unaware of the future events which were about to change everything.










That's it for this Chapter.

Hope you guys loved the chapter.

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Sorry for late update,circumstances were not allowing me to update it, but now I will try to give quick updates.

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