Ch 28

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The deal was sealed, and Amelia couldn't keep herself still. The place suddenly became too stuffy, difficult for her to breathe. At first, she thought she could bear it, but when she could no longer do that, she ran away, not caring about the eyes that followed her as she ran.

Hurling her heels aside, she made her way out. When she was finally out, she rushed to a conducive area to vomit every content in her stomach, but that wasn't successful. The fear she felt in her was so great, she shivered physically.

After a moment, her hair was tucked beneath her ear. She immediately knew it was Xavier. His scent filled the whole place as he held her a hair.

She stood up straight and a whimper escaped from her mouth. She had no idea she had been crying, but the reason was clear. Fear was the main thing, and she couldn't get rid of it.

"Amelia" she heard him say softly, but the tears just kept flowing with reckless abandon.

"Don't touch me" she snapped, raising her head as she walked away from him to another place. Her main aim was to stay as far away from him as possible. If he could buy a gun, what more could he do? As far as she was concerned, he could do anything.

"Amelia what is the problem?" he asked again coming after her and Amelia almost screamed. She felt sick and space was the only thing she needed.

"Xavier, please leave!" she yelled, trying her best to avoid eyes contact with him

"Is this about the auction?"

"Why do you keep asking me, I told you to fucking leave me alone!" she voiced out angrily, turning to look at Xavier, and she didn't fail to notice the look of concern on his face?.

"Amelia, guns are normal, why are you acting up?"

"Just leave me alone?" The only person she could think of was Hardin. Hardin was dangerous, had guns and all manner of weapons, she didn't want Xavier to be like that. She just wanted a sweet man, who didn't indulge in anything dangerous

"Why do you care anyway?" she asked, but he didn't give her a response.

"Answer me. Why can't you just leave me alone? Why do you always have to act like you fucking care? You clarified that none of the us should interfere in each other's personal affairs. You don't want me in your personal affairs, so why do you always interfere in mine?" she asked in pain as she cleaned the tears that rolled down her cheeks.


"Answer me, don't try to change the topic, why do you act like this, why!"

"Amelia you are overreacting"

"Then why the fuck do you care if I overreact. At the end of the day it is all pretense. No one is here, so we can go back to not pretending"


"No! Leave me alone" she turned to leave but suddenly....

Almost like magic, it happened so fast. He grabbed her hand, pulling her closer to himself and then, she felt his lips pressed against hers. He kissed her.

Amelia's eyes opened in shock. She tried to process the whole thing.

He continued and after some time, she kissed him back. He slipped his hand around her waist as the kiss became more intense than it earlier was. The distance between them barely measured any centimeter, and she could feel the heat course through her body.

Just when she was fully engrossed in the kiss, he redrew. The look on his face held confusion. He stepped back for a while, exhaling sharply, and rummaged his hands through her hair.

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