Chapter 6: Fighting The Old Lady

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The gang leaves and walks away from the plane to let the penguins fix it.

"How in the hell-o will they fix this plane?!" Gloria asked.

"What did they say?" Katie asked.

"You know, grit and spit and spit. A lot of spit and grit and stick-to-it-iveness." Alex said.

"That doesn't sound too promising." Brandon said.

Alex gives up and walks through the gang.

"You're right. We're stuck here." Alex said.

"Hey, guys. As long as we're together, we'll be okay." Marty said as he cheered the others up.

"I'm sure that there's might be another way to get home. But I don't know how." Katie said.

"Yeah, but love ain't gonna get us home." Alex said.

Suddenly, a Jeep vehicle stops as people look at the gang.

"Behold! The lion!" The driver said.

"Hey! It's the people!" Alex shouted.

Flashes of lights from their cameras are now gone as they were done taking pictures of the crew.

"There is much to see. Moving on." The driver said as he drove away.

"Wait, wait, wait! People!" Alex shouted.

The fan ran to get to the people as Alex ran in all fours for more speed.

"They'll help us!" Mariah shouted.

"Wait up!" Marty shouted.

"People! Stop!" Katie shouted

"Help us!" Gloria shouted.

"Don't leave us!" Brandon shouted.

Alex finally joins up the Jeep as the people take more photos from their cameras.

"Wait! If you stop, I'll autograph those!" Alex shouted.

One of the people stopped and realized who Alex was. It was the old lady from the Grand Central Station. She gives Alex the mean look.

"I know you!" The old lady said.

Alex gives the old lady a mean look, too.

"You." Alex said.

"It's the bad kitty." The old lady said.

The old woman starts to hit Alex with her purse as Alex tries to hand on the car. He pulls the lady out of the car as they tumble down to the ground. The Jeep stops, and Alex runs after her for battle, but instead, gets thrown. Alex gets back up and punches punches the lady. She still stands afterward.

"How do you like some of that?" Alex said teasing.

The lady punches Alex more and more, and they continue punching each other's faces. The lady punches Alex again, which it makes Alex spit out a tooth. Alex punches the old lady, and she spits her dentures. She karate kicks him and hits him with a log, but Alex stops the attack. Alex switches places and holds up a huge rock.

"Come in, Tokyo!" The old lady said.

She pinches Alex's nips.

"Ow!" Alex shouted.

The rock lands on his head, and the lady walks away. As she stopped, she turned back around and kicked him in the butt. The people cheered, and the gang closed their eyes.

"Right in the batteries." Brandon said.

Alex is in too much pain after the fight.

"You think an old lady can't take care of herself?" The old lady asked.

She picks up her dentures and puts it back in her mouth. She walks back to get into the car.

"Next time, I won't go so easy on you!" The old lady shouted.

The driver opens the door for the lady, and she gets in.

"Thank you, dear." The old lady said.

"Moving on!" The driver said, and they drive away.

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