Chapter 27: Alex & Mariah's Wedding

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Today is the big day for Alex and Mariah. Valentine's Day is the day of their wedding day, which they are getting by married on the island of the Statue of Liberty in New York. While the other animals were working on the decorations and the stuff for the wedding, they are inviting some guests to come along. Before they start the wedding, Alex was getting ready to be dressed up into his tuxedo along with Marty, Melman, and Brandon that they are the best men while Mariah was getting a pedicure and a spa day with Katie, Gia, and Gloria who are the bridesmaids. Maurice is the priest, and the guests who are coming for the wedding are King Julian, Mort, Zuba, and Florrie, and all of the African animals.

Alex was wearing a black bowtie while the other guys were wearing their own bowties too.

"I'm so ready for the wedding, guys. I can't wait to see my parents that they are coming and stay with us." Alex said to the other guys.

"You are so lucky to have a perfect woman." Marty said.

"No doubt about it." Melman said.

"Agreed." Brandon said.

"I'm sure that Mariah is gonna look perfect." Alex said.

"I'm sure that she will." Marty said.

Meanwhile, with the girls, Gloria and Gia were putting the dress on Mariah along with some makeup, and Katie put on her crown with a veil. They also were wearing pink dresses as bridesmaids.

"It's a good thing that the penguins and the chimps got the chance to make this wedding dress before they left." Mariah said.

"I know, right?" Gloria said.

"By the way, Florrie and I got some pink hibiscus flowers for the bouquet." Katie said.

"Thanks. I told the others about the song that is perfect for our dance to the party later." Mariah said.

"Mariah, I think it's time for us to go." Gloria said to Mariah.

"Okay. Come on, girls." Mariah said.

The girls come, and Mariah met Zuba again.

"Hi, Zuba. It's great to see you again." Mariah said.

"Hi, Mariah. I'm so happy that my son is getting married today." Zuba said.

"After the wedding, I'll let all of you to meet my family." Mariah said.

"Thanks. So, are you ready?" Zuba asked.

"Yes, I am." Mariah said.

It was finally time to start the wedding, Alex and the guys with the bridesmaids were in place along with the guests. Melman start to play the piano for the song "Here Comes The Bride," and everybody stands up and sees Mariah with Zuba walking down until they get to the front. Alex and Mariah looked at each other as they held hands, Maurice started to speak for the wedding.

"Dearest beloveds, we are gathered here today to the wedding with Alex and Mariah as they both proclaim their love and commitment to the world. We are gathered to rejoice, with and for them, in the new life they now undertake together. Alex and Mariah, the relationship you enter into today must be grounded in the strength of your love and the power of your faith in each other. To make your relationship succeed, it will take unending love. It will take trust to know in your hearts that you truly want what is best for one another and to learn and grow together. It will take faith to go forward together without knowing what the future holds." Maurice explained.

Everybody was getting emotional for the moment, including Zuba and Florrie.

"Alex, do you take Mariah for wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer. That you promise to be true in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. To love and honor all the days of life, until death do you two part?" Maurice asked Alex.

"I do." Alex answered.

"And do you, Mariah, take Alex for wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer. That you promise to be true in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. To love and honor all the days of life, until death do you two part?" Maurice asked Mariah.

"I do." Mariah answered.

"Very well, may we have the rings, please?" Maurice asked.

Mort walks up to give the rings to Alex and Mariah. They both put the rings on to each other.

"By the power vested in me, by the Institute of Perfection, I pronounce you, Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride." Maurice said.

Alex moved the veil from Mariah, and they kissed, and everyone cheered. Mariah throws her bouquet of flowers, and Marty catches it. Later on, the animals have a party after the wedding. Alex and Mariah were so happy to be married, and they were with Zuba and Florrie.

"I'm so proud of you, son." Zuba said to Alex.

"We are so glad that you found the girl of your life." Florrie said.

"Thanks, Mom and Dad." Alex said.

"By the way, I picked a song that is perfect for our dance too. We did take lessons for our dance for weeks." Mariah said.

"Yes. Would you guys like to see our dance?" Alex asked his parents.

"Sure." Florrie said.

"Show me what you two got." Zuba said.

Alex and Mariah get up and walk to the middle of the dance floor. Mariah signals the penguins to play the piano for the song "It Is You I Have Loved," and it got everyone's attention to see them dance. They were happy and crying to see the view Alex held on Mariah's waist in one hand and held her hand with the other, and they danced slow along with the spinning and turning. Zuba and Florrie were so surprised that they did do the dance pretty well. After their dance was over, Alex and Mariah kissed one last time, and everybody cheered.

Later on for the night and returns to the train, Alex carries Mariah to their bedroom for their honeymoon. They take the bottle of apple cider champagne and take a drink, and look at the stars. That's when Mariah decided that she wanted it right now.

"I love you so much, Mariah." Alex said.

"I love you too. I'm going to put on something comfortable. Wait right here for a moment." Mariah said with a smile.

Mariah goes off to change her clothes as Alex takes off his bowtie and lays down on the bed to wait. Mariah comes out, wearing her pink lingerie with bra and panties. Alex blushes and drools over her new look, Mariah slowly walks to the bed.

"You like it?" Mariah asked.

"Yeah, it's... beautiful." Alex said as he stuttered.

"Are you ready for this?" Mariah asked.

"What do you mean?" Alex asked.

"I do know that you want this, Alex. All you have to do is take me." Mariah said.

Mariah kissed Alex and hovers on top of him, and they make out and have their time together for the rest of Valentine's Day that night.

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