Chapter 15: The Gang's Argument

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The gang were sitting in their original seats of the plane while having a conversation.

"Oh, man. My dad thinks I'm a total loser. I've ruined my parents' lives." Alex said.

"That is definitely not crack-a-lackin'." Marty said.

"It is lackin' in the crackin', my friend. I've gotta fix this." Alex said.

"I'm sure that there's any other way to fix it. By the way, have you decided to talk to Mariah lately?" Katie asked.

"No. I was afraid that after what I did back at the Rite of the Passage, she might not talk to me." Alex said in worry.

"Just tell her you need her because you love her." Katie said.

Alex looked at Katie and smiled.

"I'll do my best. Thanks, Katie." Alex said.

"Anytime to help." Katie said.

"You okay, Melman?" Brandon asked.

"So... there's... there's something I gotta tell you." Melman said.

"What is it?" Katie asked.

"Hey, guys." Gloria said, and she got on the plane part.

"Is this place great or what?!" Gloria asked happily while jumping.

"I'd go with, or what." Alex said.

"Well, I'll tell you what. You're not gonna believe it, but... I got a date with Moto Moto." Gloria said.

Katie smiled and giggled in the girls' way.

"That's good to hear about that. Looks like you finally got yourself a man." Katie said.

"I know, right?" Gloria asked.

"Who's Moto Moto?" Melman asked.

"Oh, he's so big and handsome and big! Do you know what "Moto Moto" means?" Gloria asked.

"Twins?" Melman asked.

"It means, 'Hot Hot'." Marty replied.

"Hot Hot?" Melman asked.

"Okay. When did you start parlez-ing African?" Gloria asked Marty.

"It's in my blood." Marty said.

"Don't worry, you can flirt around with Mr. Hot pants after I'm gone." Melman said.

"Melman, why am I the parade and you're the rain?" Gloria asked.

"Why are you driving your parade under my rain?" Melman asked.

"Maybe I'll parade in another part of town!" Gloria shouted.

"Whoa, guys." Alex said.

"Calm down." Katie said.

"Main Street's mine!" Melman shouted.

"Well, you can have it!" Gloria shouted.

"And you can take your hotee-tot float and Mr. Hotee Moto Moto..." Melman said.

"What are you talking about?" Gloria asked.

"What are we talking about?" Marty asked.

"Melman, why don't you just tell her?" Alex asked.

"Tell her the truth." Katie said.

"Why can't you just say it to her now?" Brandon asked.

"What? What are you... I don't know what you're talking about." Melman said.

"I guess I'll go, then." Gloria said.

"Don't bother." Melman said.

"Don't get up on my account." Melman said.

"Melman! Gloria!" Alex said.

"Don't worry. Give them some time." Marty said and left.

Brandon and Katie stay with Alex after the others leave.

"Alex, we know that you are still on to that fun like we did, but it was a fail." Katie said.

Suddenly, Mariah walks up to them from behind, unhappy about Makunga.

"Some fun that you guys are having before. Ever since I was with Makunga, he hasn't let me do anything, besides wait for him whenever he deals with the other animals. He even tries to flirt with me, but he makes me sick." Mariah explained.

All three animals turned around to see Mariah appear to them.

"Mariah, listen. It's not my fault that you always get taken away." Alex said.

"I do not always get taken away. I can't believe you say that to me." Mariah said.

"Oh, please. You come up with your own point of view by being a bit too frantic." Brandon said like he doesn't care.

Mariah got upset at Brandon, she gets one of his spikes and pulled it out like a piece of hair.

"Ow! That hurts!" Brandon shouted in pain.

"Who's helpless now, Brandon?" Mariah teased Brandon.

"That really does hurt, though." Brandon said.

"You guys, stop it now, please." Katie said.

"Guys, just listen. You all are my friends, and so do Marty, Melman, and Gloria too." Alex said to all three of them.

"Well, Alex. I do understand that, but... I quit." Brandon said.

"What?" Alex asked.

"No way. You can't quit. I was gonna quit before you do. And now, everyone's gonna think I got that from the hedgehog boy." Mariah said.

"Wait a sec, guys." Katie said.

Alex, Mariah, and Brandon looked at Katie to listen.

"Maybe, I quit." Katie said.

They stay silent for a moment.

"If so, then I quit." Katie said and left.

"Wait, guys..." Alex said, trying to stop them.

"I'm out of here." Brandon said and left in the opposite way.

Once both of them leave, Mariah stays with Alex, and she was turned around. Alex comes closer to Mariah from behind.

"Mariah, I'm really sorry." Alex said quietly.

"Good riddance." Mariah said and left.

"Mariah... don't go, please. I love you." Alex said, sadly.

Alex looks down and sees a necklace that comes out of Mariah's suitcase. It was the necklace that Alex gave to Mariah at the time they started dating together back in Madagascar. He holds it, sits down on his plane seat and sighs as he puts his head down in guilt.

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