Chapter 24: Destorying The Dam

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Alex, Mariah, and Zuba just finished their performance to the humans. They all bowed down to thank them while the old lady was just standing, doing nothing.

"Oh. That was beautiful. Now let's eat!" The old lady said and loads a gun.

Alex, Mariah, and Zuba stand up to see the old lady was gonna shoot them.

"Dad, look out!" Alex shouted.

The old lady shot the gun as she fell down, but there was a big metal bucket to block the bullet. They all saw it, confused.

"What the..." Zuba said.

"I got the other guys to help out." Mariah said.

They all looked up to see the monkeys that made a connection for the metal bucket to the plane. Marty, Katie, and Brandon were  on the plane, too.

"Alex! Mariah! Get in!" Marty shouted.

Alex, Mariah, and Zuba got in the bucket.

"She's got a gun! Get out while we can!" Alex shouted.

"What?" Brandon asked.

"What did he say?" Katie asked.

The old lady follows them behind.

"She's got a gun! Get out while we can! Pass it on!" Alex shouted to the monkeys.

The monkeys talk to each other in monkey language and to the talking one until one of the talking monkeys got the message.

"He said, let's have some fun and take out the dam. Basset hound." The talking monkey said to the others.

"We got to get a way to destroy it." Katie said.

"Skipper! Alex wants to take out the dam." Marty said to Skipper.

"All right! But it's his funeral." Skipper said as he got the microphone.

"What?" Marty, Katie, and Brandon said in a union together.

"Hard to port!" Skipper shouted in the microphone.

On the top of the tail of the plane, there was Gloria and Melman. Gloria was taking the wheel while Melman was next to her.

"Aye-aye, Skippy!" Gloria shouted.

"Bring it on! Bring it on!" Melman shouted.

They all left, away from the dam. The old lady went on top of the tree trucks of the dam while she had the gun in her hand.

"Come back! That's my dinner!" The old lady shouted.

"Kowalski, full throttle." Skipper demands to Kowalski.

Kowalski pulls down the knob and the bananas shown on to the monkeys who were in charge of the speed. The monkeys tried to eat the bananas while they were still turning up for the speed.

"Music!" Skipper said to Private.

Private puts the tape in the radio, and the music begins.

"I like this song." Private said.

"It never gets old." Kowalski said.

"It does have a catchy hook. Come about! Bring her in low!" Skipper demands to Rico.

Rico turns the wheel to the left to make the plane turn around to get to the dam.

"Hold onto your skirts! It's dam-busting time!" Skipper said in the microphone as they turned.

"Hold on tight, baby! Here we go!" Gloria said to Melman.

Alex was looking in fear that the old lady would shoot them again.

"Tell them no! Pull up! They'll kill us! There's got to be another way! Pass it on!" Alex said to the monkeys.

Once again, the monkeys pass on Alex's message again in their language to the talking monkey.

"He say, no, pull up. Kill us. There's no other way. Basset hound." The talking monkey said.

"Are you sure?" Marty asked.

"Is that he wanted?" Katie asked.

"Men, there is no sacrifice greater than someone else's." Skipper said.

The old lady shoots a bullet from her gun, It shoots to the bobblehead hula girl's head off of her body. Skipper was shocked to see that.

"No! Medic!" Skipper shouted worriedly.

The old lady was gonna shoot again, but the gun ran out of bullets. She toss the gun into the water and sings her handbag to hit them.

"Ramming speed!" Skipper shouted.

The monkeys speed it up faster. Alex and Zuba screamed as they were getting closer.

"Bring it on!" The old lady shouted.

The others shouted for the action.

"Bad kitties." The old lady said.

The metal bucket hits the old lady, which it breaks the dam, and the water runs out of the dam.

Back the volcano, King Julialen and Maurice were still there for the sacrifice.

"I don't know why the sacrifice didn't work. The science seemed so solid. I'd jump right in that volcano if I wasn't so good at whistling." King Julien said sadly.

King Julien blows raspberry instead of whistling again until they hear a voice coming from the dark. They looked to see Mort, we was exhausted and had a stick with him.

"It's you! I found you!" Mort shouted happily.

"Mort?" King Julien asked.

Mort laughs happily as he jumps around until the shark tries to attack him since back in the ocean from earlier. Mort screams for his life and runs.

"Bad fishy!" Mort shouted as he ran to the others.

King Julien and Maurice screamed, too. All three of them fall to hang on the rock bridge, but the shark fell right into the lava of the volcano. Mort giggles as King Julien and Maurice were confused.

"I wonder if the gods like seafood." Maurice said.

"Let's find out." King Julien said.

They all went to see the area.

"Look, Maurice." King Julien said.

They see the water coming out from the jungle.

"That was quick." Maurice said.

"I did it! I did it! I did it!" King Julien shouted happily.

The lava comes out behind them with a sound.

"Okay, you did it!" King Julien said to Mort.

"Oh, yes!!" Mort yelled happily.

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