Chapter 23: Alex & Mariah's Dance

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Back to the jungle, Alex was tied up to a long wooden stick as the humans carried him.

"Where we headed? What's going on? Where are we going?" Alex asked.

The people put him on top of fire logs.

"Oh, no! Please! Don't put me there! No! This is wrong." Alex shouted.

The old lady shows up with a torch hat she was holding.

"You see? You are survivors." The old said said to the people.

The people make loud noises like Indians to cheer.

"Now, how about a nice lion casserole?" The old lady asked.

"We can't eat a lion." The driver said, confused.

"Eh. Don't worry, it tastes like chicken." The old lady said.

"No, no, no. Don't listen to her." Alex said.

The old lady throws her torch over the logs to start a fire to cook Alex.

"She's out of her mind, people!" Alex shouted as the people turned him around over the fire.

Alex looked at a man' shirt that has a picture of an apple and says 'New York' on it.

"Hey! I'm from New York City too! It's me, Alex, the lion! From Central Park!" Alex shouted.

Alex blows to the fire and the fire crews more, and the people cheered so loudly.

Suddenly, they all hear a roar coming from the bushes. It was Zuba and Mariah. The people screamed in fear.

"Lions!" A man's voice said.

"Dad! Mariah!" Alex shouted.

Zuba roars and gets to the people away while Mariah gets Alex. They both help Alex out of the ropes.

"Alex, are you alright?" Mariah asked.

"What were you thinking, son? You got no business being out here!" Zuba said.

The people hold up their spears, and Zuba protects both Alex and Mariah to get them behind.

"Stay behind me, you two." Zuba said and roars more to the people.

"Dad, they're New Yorkers. They're just rude and frightened people." Alex explained to his father.

"Stay back!" Zuba shouted.

"You're gonna let your dinner get away?" The old lady asked the driver.

The driver gets a gun to unload it when it clicks. Zuba looked at him, and the driver was about to shoot him until Alex did his thing to move his head up and down while making faces.

"What are you doing, son?"

"The only thing I know how to do. Mariah and I got this." Alex said.

"Trust us. It might work." Mariah said.

The driver was confused. Alex and Mariah did some flips together.

"What the heck?" A man asked.

Alex and Mariah were doing their dancing moves to the people while they were watching.

"Hey, I know those moves. Alex? Mariah?" The cameraman asked while recording them with his camera.

Alex and Mariah kept on dancing and doing flips while Zuba was standing.

"It's Alex the lion!" A woman's voice shouted.

"And Mariah, the lioness!" A man's voice shouted.

"From Central Park!" A different man's voice shouted.

"It is Alex and Mariah!" Another man's voice shouted.

"Only two lions can move like that!" A different voice shouted.

Zuba was surprised when the people started to cheer while Alex and Mariah were still dancing.

"He's beautiful." The driver said as he put down the gun.

"I can't believe it." Zuba said.

Alex does lean back, and Mariah flips over him in slow motion.

"How do they do that?" A man's voice asked.

It was at normal speed, Alex was just leaning back by on foot. They both go in front of the fireplace and dance together like two couples while the people chanting their names. Zuba decided to dance with them.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Alex asked.

"I'm dancing with my son! And his girlfriend! I think." Zuba said.

"Don't think, Dad. Feel! Butterfly!" Alex shouted.

They both started to spin around as fast.

"I'm doing it! I'm doing it!" Zuba shouted, and he does the same thing.

All three of them jump up high, but Zuba slips while in the air and fells on his face when they all hit the ground. They all did their original pose, and Zuba does Alex's pose, too.

"Roar!" Alex and Zuba shouted their roars.

The people dropped their spears and weapons and cheered for the performance happily when it was over.

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