Chapter 14: Marty And The Zebras

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Meanwhile, Marty does the water challenge like he did in the first film, spits out water, and sprays it all over the zebras as Katie was watching over.

"Ta-da!!" Marty shouted.

"So, what do you guys think?" Katie asked the Zebras.

"He has talent. Stupendous and tremendous. Hollah!" The Zebras shouted.

"Bet you've never seen that one! Knocked 'em dead in New York!" Marty shouted.

"Hey! Let's all give it a try!" The First Zebra shouted.

"Let's do it!" The Second Zebra shouted.

"Well, you can try all you want to, but it's gonna take years of practice. And you'll never gonna quite get a tight stream until you build up your lip muscles to the point where you can purse your lips like this. You got it?" Marty asked after explaining.

While Marty was speaking, the zebras got some water and did the same thing as Marty did, but there was more water, which made Marty scream and knock him out as Katie was hiding behind a rock.

"Ta-da!" The Zebras shouted.

Marty was shocked.

"That was fast." Katie said, surprised.

"How did you? You guys got it right out of the box!" Marty shouted.

"If you can do it, we can do it." The First Zebra said.

"It's in our blood!" The Second Zebra shouted.

"I always thought I was a bit unique." Marty said.

"We are unique!" The First Zebra shouted.

"Hey! We are like a force of nature!" The Second Zebra shouted.

"A million points of light!" The Third Zebra shouted.

"And dark stripes!" The Fourth Zebra shouted.

"Exactly the same!" The Zebras shouted.

"Exactly the same." Marty said sadly.

Katie was touching Marty's shoulder to confront him. Meanwhile, Skipper and Kowalski were looking at the blueprints of the plane.

"Looks impressive, Kowalski, but... will it fly?" Skipper asked.

"Yes. If we fold it here, here and here." Kowalski answered.

Kowalski folds up the blueprint as a paper plane, then throws it to fly it in the air.

"Nice." Skipper said, impressive.

The paper plane flies around the chimpanzees as they are still building the plane, going wild.

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