Chapter 2- The Way I See It

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~~~~~~~~~~ means time skip.

Chapter 2

The Way I See It

August Griffin


I was debating on whether or not to attend it, especially after Kaiser turned down the ride. The whole ride, my twin sister, April, bugged me about it.

But, finally, we had made it.

Ugh! Why did I come to school today?!

I slammed my locker shut, pressing my head against the cool glass.

You know why you came, I thought.

Sighing, I pushed off my locker and made my way to Trigonometry. The only bright side of this was that Lyle, my best friend, was in this class. I pushed the door open. It was basically empty. There were only two other people in the room, Mr. Douglas and Abigail, teachers pet.

Moving to the back of the class room, I took the seat in the corner of the room, near the window. I stared out the window, until class started.

A book slammed down on my desk, making me jump. I looked up at the culprit. Lyle Young was about my height. He had daring hazel eyes and black hair. He was wearing his shades. Again.

"What's with the shades, James Bond?" I asked sarcastically.

"Actually, James Bond is white, and I am not. I would prefer to be Jay from Men In Black 1, 2, and 3. Will Smith is hot, but not as hot as your sister" he said with a wink.

I punched him in the arm.

He hissed out in pain, dramatically dropping to the floor.

"You monster! How could you do that to my precious arm?! This jacket is new!" He yelled at me. "It's okay, baby. I'm sorry" he says to his jacket.

"Mr. Young, what is your problem?!" Mrs. Douglas bellowed.

Lyle paled. Mrs. Douglas was married to the lacrosse coach and we were both on the team. He jumped up, slipping into his seat.

"Nothing at all, miss. Just admiring the custodians hard work, he should get a raise, you know, working so har-" she cut him off.

"Just don't yell in my class" she said.

Lyle nodded franticallyand said, " Yes, ma'am!" And saluted her.

Shaking my head, I opened my textbook, I can't believe I'm friends with that idiot.


Lunch. Finally.

When the bell rang, I was the first person out of the room.

Lunch was my favorite time of the day. It was the only time Kai and I were together. As sappy as it sounded, I didn't care because I liked being with him. I loved being with him.

I was the first to arrive at our table.

Kai only sat with us for me. He didn't really know anyone else except for April. He usually just drew. He would sit at the end of the table next to me or between me and April.

When I return to my table, Milan and Nolan were there, sucking faces.

Smashing the tray on the table, the two jumped apart.

Milan turned a bright red while, Nolan glared at me. And if looks could kill, well I would be a goner.

"Hi August" Milan said softly. He pushed his glasses up his nose. He had light brown hair that looked gold and bright blue eyes that stood out on his pale complexion. He was one of the nicest people I've met. Milan was quiet and shy unlike Nolan who was loud and boisterous. Nolan had jet black hair and hazel eyes that went well with his tan complexion.

"Hey tiny" I said. I always called him tiny just because I knew he would blush about and he did a lot.

"Let's go get lunch" Nolan said standing up. Milan followed. When he stood up, his sleeve rise revealing a black and blue bruise.

"What's that" I asked grabbed his wrist. I yanked up his sleeve.

Nolan had already walked away.

"It's nothing" he said softly, pulling his arm away.

"That's not nothing Milan"

"I'm fine"

"Who did that?"

"No one. It's nothing. Just don't tell Nolan, please?"

"It's wasn't him?"

Milan shook his head rapidly. I sighed in relief.

"Nolan would never hurt me" he said.

"But someone did, Milan. Tell me what happened"

He looked back to Nolan who was patiently waiting. Note the sarcasm.

"Later" he said. "Just don't tell. Promise you won't tell"


He nodded before walking away. Nolan pulled him into his arms, kissing his head.

I sighed, wishing that I could do that with Kai.

Sitting down, I tried to forget about the Milan thing at least until later.

The next person to arrive at the table was Demi. She had long blonde hair and baby blue eyes that complemented her light skin. She was always preppy and happy. She was beautiful. I used to wonder why she didn't have a boyfriend until I found out that she was lesbian.

Soon after came, Jonas and Remington. And then April. Then Lucy and Lyle. And then finally came Kai.

He had his red hair in a beanie. His glasses magnifyed his bright green eyes. His pink lips were tightly pressed together as he walked over.

He sat at the end of the table next to me. He was carefully not to touch me. He was the last to arrive. Everyone has returned to the table by the time he got here. That was our table.

"So... Who you taking to Spring Formal, August?" April asked breaking the silence.

"Spring Formal is two months away" Remington said.

"Thank you for your input, August" she said with a pointed glare towards him.

"I don't know" I said before Rem could answer and start a problem.

"I know who I'm going to ask" Lyle said, eyeing my sister.

I elbowed him hard. He hissed out in pain, loudly, very loudly.

"You are so dangerous" he cried out.

"Yeah. Well" I replied.

"What about you, Demi?" I asked.

"I don't do dances" she said solemnly.

"Or guys" Jonas muttered under his breathe but everyone had heard.

The table filled with laughter and a blushing Jonas.

He had a crush on Demi since freshmen year until she told him and I quote, 'I like chicks not dicks".

It was hilarious and Jonas had been teased for it ever since.

The period passed with small conversations. Soon enough the bell rang and everyone got up.

"Who do you have?" I asked Kai.

He showed me his binder that had his schedule. Sixth period. He had English.

We walked to his locker.

On it was two roses, a white one and a red one, and a little piece of paper. Jealous hit me hard as he opened the note.

He suddenly crumbled it up, dropping it. He threw the roses on the floor. Opening his locker, he yanked at a different binder , replacing the first one. Slamming his locker, he stormed away breathing hard. I watched him until he turned the corner.

Bending over, I picked up the note. Opening it, I read it to myself.

'I've missed you, little sparrow' it said.

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*I Changed It For Spring Formal To Winter Formal*

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