Chapter 32- Rambling

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Chapter 32


August Griffin

I had regretted talking to April and having lefting her convince me to come and talk to Kaiser. What did she know? All of her relationships ended terribly. Ugh, why did I listen to her? I practically ran down the staircase in the Donovan household, in a rush to get away from my own embarrassment. What on Earth was I thinking? I was going to give April a piece of my mind when I got home. I hurried through the front door and to my car. I unlocked it and got in. I went to close the door as I started it.

I froze when I heard someone calling my name. I hadn't looked back the whole time that I had rushed out of the house. But as I stepped back out of the car, I realized that Kaiser was behind me, at least I thought he was since he was standing in the doorway. He looked frozen, scared to be honest.

Behind him was his father with my jacket in his hand.

"You forgot your jacket." Mr. Dononvan said, explaining why he had called me before.

Kai rushed inside as I walked back over to the entrance and grabbed my jacket with a thank you.

"No problem. How was your talk with Kai?" Be said that word 'talk' slowly, unsure what else to use.

"It was fine. Good, actually." I said, not sure if I was lying to him or only to myself. I said thank you once again before getting into my car and driving home. This was the last time that I ever took advice from April.

My house was quiet, as it usually was. Except for one thing, the sound of the living television in blast. From what I could hear, Titanic was on. I walked in and found my dad and April sitting on the floor in front of the couch, enjoying the movie.

My father turned around when I entered.

"Hey, August. Did you get to talk to Kaiser?" He asked.

I glared at April. She mouthed 'sorry'.

"You could say that." I responded and went up to my room before he coukd respond. Like I said, he was the parent that actually asked me questions and I was not in the mood for them. Knowing that it was very likely that he would come up here when I didn't return quickly, I decided to take a shower.

I undressed and went into the bathroom. After turning the shower, I sat on the edge of the tub in my boxers. Could this day possibly get any worse. I cradled my head in my hands and leanedback, momentarily forgetting where I was which resulted in me falling back into the tub with a loud crash.

I cursed silently as the water hit my skin. Instead of getting up, I let the water soak me in my underwear for longer than I should have. When I felt my fingers starting to prune up, I decided to get up and take my shower before leaving the bathroom.

I laid on my bed when I finished getting dressed with a towel under my head to stop my pillow from getting drenched. I exhaled slowly and inhaled deeply.

I thought about the homework that I should be doing. I thought about going downstairs and joining my dad and sister. I thought about texting Kai back. But did nothing. I was sore from that fall and didn't want to do anything. I laid in my bed until I fell asleep.

The next morning was slow and painful. My body hadn't forgotten what had happened last night and my stomach growled since I hadn't ate since breakfast time yesterday. I sat up, disregarding my body protesting the movement. There was probably a bruise. I decided that taking a shower wasn't worth it since I'd only slept since my last one. Instead, I got dressed for school.

The smell of waffles, eggs, and bacon motivated me to go down the stairs. As I expected, my father was in the kitchen with his apron on whipping up breakfast for us. April sat at the island, stuffing her face with bacon.

"You're down late today." She said without looking up from her plate.

"You're only down here for food." I retorted.

"You're right about that." She said which my father responded to with a scoff.

"How kind." He said.

"It is kind. Your food has manged to get me outof bed in a timely matter.  That is a pretty hard task, if I may say so myself." April joked.

"She's right. She's far from a morning person." I joined.

April throw a piece of bacon at me which I caught and ate. April glared at me while I smirked at her.

"Where is Mom?" April asked as I took a plate of food from my dad with a thank you.

My father avoided the question which prompted April to ask again.

"She's working." He answered shortly.

April let it at that thankfully. I took a seat and savored my breakfast. This was delicious. It reminded of when I was younger, when my parents were around all the time. I hurried and finished my food before rushing April to do the same since she'd started eating before me.

"I do not like to rushed while I am eating." She complained while we walked to my car.

"Then eat faster." I responded, climbing into the car.

I started to pull out of the driveway and into the street.

"So how did it go with Kaiser?" April asked.

My grip tightened on the steering wheel. This was smart, she had me cornered. I was driving so I had nowhere to go. I tried to ignore her but if there was one thing thatApril was good at, it was wearing people down. I let a strangled noise before facing her when I pulled up at a red light.

"It went horribly so thank you for your no good advice." I said.

"I'm sure that my advice wasn't the problem in this situation. What did you do?"

"What did I do?! I did what you told me to do!"

"Just give me a play by play."

I rolled my eyes but still did what she asked.

"Wait, you started ranting?" She asked, interrupting me.

"I didn't start ranting."

"Yes, you did! You probably scared him off with that, you idiot. Thatis definitely not what I told you to do."

"I didn't rant! It was more like a ramble." I said the last part in a low voice.

"Oh my god!"

"Look, I don't want to talk about it anymore."

"You're such a mess when it comes to him, August." She said with a smile on her face. She sat back in her seat.

"You don't have to tell me." I said more to myself than her.

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