Chapter 30- Let You Down

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Chapter 30

Let You Down

August Griffin

I stared at my phone, the disbelief was evident on my face. I went to go open the message and, of course, this was the moment that my battery life decided to completely diminish.

"No, no, no!" I muttered to myself as I tried to turn the phone back on.

I quickly open the car door to see if I had my car charger but I remembered that I had left it in Lyle's. I groaned then rushed my sister into the car.

"What's the big deal?" She asked while she climbed in.

"Doesn't really matter to you. Just get in so we can go." I responded.

She rolled her eyes as she put her seatbelt on. I did the same before pulling out of the parking lot.

"Slow down!" April yelled as a car honked at me for cutting in front of it.

I ignored it and made it home in record time. I put my car in the garage. Opening the door that led to a hallway, I walked through after holding it open for April. She never remembered to lock the door so I had to. I waited for the garage door to come back down and secured it. I had just started to walk into the kitchen when I heard April squeal. I ran into the living room, unsure if it was a good or bad thing.

Even after I walked in, it still wasn't clear. In the living room stood my parents, back from whatever business trip they were on. April was hanging from our dad's neck. She soon let go and hugged our mother, all while I watched.

"You haven't seen us in months and you aren't even going to say hello?" My father asked.

"Well, that isn't my fault, is it?" I answered.

"Leave the boy," my mom said, waving her hand as if she were dismissing me, "Come here, April. I want to know how things have been. How's the team? Is Claire still captain or has Brooke finally taken over? She deserves it. And you, you're going for co-captain this year, right?" She bombarded my sister with questions that I knew she'd struggle to answer and pulled her away from the living room.

My father and I stood alone in the middle of it. He walked up to me, pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back. He kissed the top of my head before letting me go.

"Hi, dad." I said after.

"Hello, August." He responded, with a smile on his lips.

He put his arm around my shoulder and we started to walk. To me, my dad was the one that would ask about my day, how things were going if I was okay, whereas my mom completely ignored me, focusing on my sister. It had only been like this for the last couple of years. I was sure that it had something to do with me coming out but she insisted that it was just easier for her to talk to my sister. You know, girl stuff.

"Do you have any homework?" He asked.

"I did it during my free period today."

"Excellent. Go put your bag down and change. I'm making dinner tonight."

I smiled and went to go do as I was told. My dad was the one that got me and my sister interested in cooking. While April didn't take to it as much, I loved it. I loved watching him cooking and helping him. It was always the best time we spent together. I hurried out of my room and went back downstairs. My mother and sister were sitting on the couch, with the television on, talking about cheer and other things. I saw the look of desperation on my sister's face as I walked pass. There was no way that she could tell our mother that she wasn't on the performance squad anymore, only a floater. As much as I wanted to hear how she would get out of it, I knew that her telling mom would kill her. So, I decided to help.

"April, come help Dad and I cook." I said as if walked past.

"I would love to." She said as my mom said, "I'm sure the two of you'll manager."

They looked at each other.

"This is the first time I've seen you guys in months, Mom. Think of it as a family binding moment." She said as she stood up.

She pulled me with her into the kitchen, leaving out mom on the couch. When we were out of her sight, she kissed my cheek and thanked me repeatedly.

"Loving this sibling bonding but it's family time." My dad said, flicking the water that was on his hands at us.

We laughed.

"So what's on the menu?" April asked as she washed her hands. I did the same when she was done.

"I was thinking lasagna but baked ziti is more fun to make. It's up to you guys though." My dad said.

April and I looked at each other.

"Baked ziti." We said in sync.

My father smiled and we got to work. My mother came into the kitchen when we were halfway through. She decided to set the table and watch us. She wasn't really one for cooking.

The night ended with a somewhat lively dinner and then an old movie. It was nice, to spend time with my parents, I mean. It wasn't something that we got a lot off so I had to savour it.

I had to force myself to get out of bed the next morning. I had woken up late and, on top of that, I hadn't charged my phone so I would have to ask Kai in person. I didn't want him to think that I had ignored his message.

Of course this would've been easier if I had actually gotten the chance to talk to him today. He had rushed in and out of every class and didn't show up for lunch. I didn't get a chance to talk to him the whole day. I was starting to think that he was avoiding me.

I finally caught up to him at the end of the school day. He wasn't at the bench as usual but I spotted him near the school building.

I stood behind him after finding him crouch over. He finally stood up straight.

"Who are we hiding from?" I asked, meddling him jump slightly and turn around to look at me.

The look on his face was hard to describe, I didn't know if it was fear or worry. I didn't knew why he'd be feeling either. Before I got a chance to tell him what happened, the horn of his father's car blared repeatedly calling him away.

I tried to call him back but either he didn't hear or he didn't want to. I sighed as I watched them pull away. Great, this is just great.


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