Chapter 21- Hanging Out

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Chapter 21

Hanging Out

Kaiser Donavan

August had come and go. My dad had answered all of his questions. Whatever they were.

He wouldn't tell me. He didn't want to me to worry. He would, apparently, rather have me scared. Because that's what I was.

I knew what it was about. I just wanted confirmation. I needed it.

My phone buzzed, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked at the incoming message.

New Best Friend: Hi, Kai!

Seconds later, I received another message.

New Best Friend: Hey, that rhymes! 😀

A small smile come into my face. It was Victoria, from the therapist's office.

New Best Friend: So I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me. To hang out, not like a date or anything.

My fingers hovered over the keyboard, ready to reject the invitation, before I stopped myself.

You're doing better. Don't forget what Ms. McCain said. This Is the first step, my thoughts whispered in my head.

I twirled my fingers around each other. I found myself typing a response.

Me: Okay.


My dad dropped me off at the mall and waited for Victoria to arrive before leaving.

He was shocked when I texted him, asking for permission and a ride to go out with her. I thought he would say no because of his concern th at something would happen to me. But he didn't. I think that he didn't want to ruin it, my step to getting better.

So he granted me permission and have me a ride.

Before driving off, he said, "Tell me when you're ready to go."

I nodded and began to walk to Victoria.

"Kai." My dad called out.

I stopped and listened.

"I'm proud of you. But don't push yourself too hard, please."

I smiled and nodded. He smiled back and drove away.

Victoria squealed and practically pounced on me when I came into her reach.

I momentarily froze. She let go.

"Sorry! I forgot. But I'm so excited that you agreed to come out with me." She all but squealed.

I smiled back.

"We're going to have so much fun!"

She yanked my arm and pulling me into the mall.

She asked if I was looking for anything. I shook my head and she headed into H&M with me right behind her.

Victoria looked through the girls section and I watched her. She found some clothes and we headed for the dressing room. While we waited on line, Victoria told me about her.

She had two little brothers, twins, West and Will. She lived in a gated community. Her parents were well off. She stopped talking when we got to the front.

She tried in each outfit before buying them all. We left the shop. We started to walk through the plaza.

"You want to know a secret?" She asked.

I shrugged. It didn't matter to me.

"Okay. Come on." She said, pulling into another shop.

After we entered, I looked at her expectantly.

She gave me a weird look. I returned it. What was the secret? She gestured around the room. I looked about the shop. Fancy bras and panties on shelves and models filled the room. I looked up at the big sign.

Victoria's Secret Big Blowout Sale!

A small smile feel unto my lips. I turned back to Victoria who had a huge smile on her face. I let out a little laugh.

"Took you long enough." She said, "Come on. I need some new stuff."

She headed towards one of the racks. I looked around the room while I waited for her to finish shopping.

She tried some undergarments and I blushed every time she asked me how it looked.

Thankfully, Victoria didn't take too long in the shop.

We headed to the good court after. We entered a McDonald's. I ordered two McChickens, a large fry and a McFlurry. Victoria got the same except she wanted two McDoubles.

As we waited for our number to be called, someone shouted out Victoria's name. At first, she didn't notice. After all, it was a pretty common name. N it the person called again and the voice got closer.

Before I knew it, a boy around my age stood in front of both of us. He smiled, showing off his perfect teeth.

"I haven't seen you in a while, Vicky." He said, looking down at her.

I looked at Victoria when I didn't hear a response.

She was completely still. It was the quietest that I had ever seen her.

Our number was called and I grabbed our food. I pulled Victoria out the door with me.

When we left the mall strip, she blinked a couple of times. She looked around the plaza before looking back at me.

I wanted to ask if she was okay but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

She looked at me and said, "I'm okay."

I exhaled softly.

"I'm okay." She repeated, "We should go now. Text your dad. I'll go get my car. This was fun. We should do this again."

With that, she took her food and left me there.

I texted my dad and waited for him to pick me up.

That was weird, right?

Sorry. I Know That It's Really Short And Not My Best Work.

Just A Filler. Didn't Really Know What To Do With The Victoria/Kaiser Relationship. But I Have An Idea Now.

Sorry For The Grammar.

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