Chapter 29- An Unfortunate Series Of Events

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Chapter 29

An Unfortunate Series Of Events

Kaiser Donovan

I grabbed my phone to check my messages, even before I could open my eyes fully. I dropped it back into its place when I saw that I had none. Folding my hands, placing them across my chest, I sighed and looked up at the design on the ceiling as if the message that I was wanting was waiting for me up there.

My alarm went off not too long after I had awakened, prompting me to get up and head to the shower. It was quick but refreshing, a temporary answers to my problems.

Getting dressed took no more than ten minutes and I didn't really care how my hair looked. I put my glasses on after I finished tying my shoelaces. Grabbing my jacket and bag, I headed downstairs to get my breakfast.

Today was already off to a bad start. Hopefully, it would turn around but with my luck, it was unlikely. I had beat my dad downstairs so I decided to be a useful person and started his coffee pot. I looked at my phone again. After, I looked through the cabinet for cereal. Thankfully, my favorite in hadn't finished yet. I grabbed a bowl and poured the Honey Bunches Of Oats Almonds before the milk, like any same person would.

It wasn't long before my father appeared.  He thanked me for the coffee and I nodded at him. I checked my phone again, and again I was disappointed. I let my mind run wild while I ate. Why hadn't he responded? Did he not see the message?

Maybe he just ignored it, the little devil on my shoulder whispered into my ear, Why wouldn't he? All the times that he has tried with you, and you just ignore him. Never returning the feelings.

I bit my lip, something that had grown into a habit at this point, and thought about how true that was. August had tried. Again and again again. And what had I done? Denied him. Again and again and again. I ran a hand through my hair, probably making it look even worst then before. I looked up from my bowl and saw that my father was watching me. The look on his face was indescribable.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I sighed unaudible. Here we go again, the question that I hated the most. I nodded to satisfy him but I could tell that he wasn't. He left it alone though, thankfully.

The car ride to my school was quieter than usual. No little attempts by my father to get me to talk. Maybe he had finally given up. Maybe he was just tired of wasting his breath. Either why, I didn't know how to feel about this silence. It was strange. I checked my phone in last time before walking into the school building before turning off the mobile data. No more worrying about it.

Throughout the school day, I went out of my way to avoid August. Even when we had classes toghether, I'd be the last student in and the first student out. At lunch, I went to the library instead of sitting with him and his friends. After school, I stated inside of the building instead of waiting on the bench as usually. I could see it from where I was hiding, I mean standing.

It was a good idea to avoid the seat because it wasn't long after school had ended that August showed up at the bench, looking around. He turned in my direction and I dropped so quickly. The people around me did a double take, probably wondering if I fell or was just crazy.

I peeked up to see if he had seen me. When I looked out, he was nowhere to be found. Unsure if that was a good or bad thing, I stayed down for a little while longer. After a minute or two, I decided that it was safe.

"Who are we hiding from?" I jumped at the voice from over my shoulder.

I pressed my hand over my heart while I turned around to see August behind me with a smile on his lips. I faced him. What now? I braced myself for his rejection, it was warranted. Ha had given up on his conquest for me like I wanted him too.

He opened his mouth and started to speak. Before he could, a series of little car horn honks interrupted him. I looked back and saw my dad looking at us, waving a bit. I took this as my opportunity to get away. I waved at August before basically running to my dad's car.

Ignoring August's calls of my name, I climbed into the front seat of the car since it was closer to where I came from. My dad looked at me for a while. Probably because this was the first time that I had sat in the front seat since I was about ten, of his car anyway. The shock wore off quickly, thankfully, because I was sure that August would've approached the car if we had stayed any longer.

My father kept looking at me through the corner of his eye. It felt weird, being in the front seat. There was a whole story about why I didn't like to seat in the front but it wouldn't be a fun trip down memory lane. I put my headphones in my ear, trying to forget that I was in the front. But my mind wasn't cooperating. I turned up the volume to scatter the thought but that didn't work either. Fuck, I hated being trapped in my thoughts, it was making me feel sick. I faced straight ahead the whole ride, hoping it would be as quiet as the one in the morning.

When my father pulled into the driveway, I started opening the door before he even pulled to a stop instead of letting him go in front of me like usual. I rushed into the house, going right into my room's bathroom. I had barely made it to the bathroom before my vomit came out.

Yep, this was definitely a bad day.

Kinda Short. Kinda Trash. But Ap Season Is Here And I Haven't Updated In A While, So Yeah.


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