Chapter 6- Consequences

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Chapter 6


August Griffin

I'm such an idiot.

Why? Why did I go and ruin the good thing that I had? Why did I kiss him? Why? What is wrong with me?

I sighed, sitting up more straight in the chair. I tried to pay more attention to the sub in front of me, but my eyes kept drifting off to the red headed boy in the corner of the room.

He hadn't talked to me since that day. It had been a week and two days. It was suffice to say that he was mad.

I shut my eyes, remembering the moment that my lips had touched his. It was more than perfect, even though it was brief.

He probably hates me.

At times, I would wonder if we would be together if he hadn't been... taken.

I wish that I could go back in time.

Stop the kiss.

Stop the kidnapping.

Stop his mother's death.

Stop anything and everything that kept him from me.

I wonder what happened to him while he was gone. It must have been bad if he still hasn't talked years later.

I love him, and now I'm facing the consequences.

The bell rang bringing me out of my thoughts. I shot up, barely managing to catch up to Kai.

"Kai!" I called out, running up to him.

He started walking faster, before he turned the corner, disappearing in the sea of students.

I sighed. I would just have to go to his house after school. Again.

Why did I kiss him again?

I groaned when I heard the late bell ring, before I ran to the other side of the school for physical education. Mr. Barnes hated it when we called it gym, and he hated even more when we were late.


I bit my cheek to stop myself from jumping in joy when the final bell rang. I was the first person out of the door.

I hurried over to Kai's usual spot, but just as I approached I saw his father's car pull out.

"Damn it!" I stomped my foot like a five year old.

I'll just have to go to his house. Again.

I sighed, heavier than usual. I walked over to my car. For once, April had beat me there.

"What took you so long?" She said, annoyed.

"Shut it and get in" I growled out.

"Someone's catty today"

"Someone's about walk home today" I said mimicking her tone.

"Catty" she said, getting into the car.

I walked around to the other side. Climbing inside, I slammed the door. April gave me a look.

"What's up with you?" She asked.

"Nothing" I sighed heavily.

"Really? I'm serious. What wrong with you lately? "

I said nothing.

"Is it about Kaiser? "

At the mention of his name, I sighed and sat up straight, starting the car.

"Oh my gosh. It is, isn't it?" She stared at me, waiting for an answer.

Once again, I kept silent.

"Big Bro, I get that you love him. I really honestly do but---"

I cut her off, "That's where you're wrong. You don't get it "

"Yes. I do. I really do. You seem to forget that I was there too. I was there when you realized that you were gay. I was there when you realized that you loved him. And I was there when he was taken. Okay, I was there. I felt the same guilt that you did when we found out that he was gone" her voice wavered but she went on, "So like I was saying, I get that you love him but you can't expect him to just bounce back. No matter how long it's been. Because he was taken and only God knows what happened to him while he was gone. And now that he's back you can't just expect him to run into your arms and never let go because he is hurting me than you. More than me. More than his father. More than all of us combined. So you need to understand that....that he needs his time to recover. Even if it takes the rest of his life"

When she finished, she was breathing heavily and crying softly. I wiped the tears out of my eyes and started to drive.

When we reached out front door, I pulled over but made no move to unlock the door.

"You're right" I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Of Course I am" she said.

I chuckled softly.

"As much as I wish that you weren't, you are. It's just that I Don't Want To wait. Because I'm scared. I'm scared that one day he'll just disappear again. I'm scared that he'll get hurt. And most Of all, I'm scared that he won't love me back"

We sat in silence for minutes.

"I kissed him. That's why he has been avoiding me" I said after awhile.

A look of shock took over her features.

"What? Why? Why would you do that? You know how he gets when people get close! "She managed to say.

"I don't know why. But I did and now he won't even acknowledge my presence. I Just wanted him to k ow that......... that I was here for him. In any way he wanted me. I wanted him to know that I loved him. " I said softly.

And before I knew it, the tears that I was fighting to keep back were down my face.

"Aww. Big Bro. Why didnt you tell me?" She questioned while reaching to hug me.

I took the hug but said no words. My tears made her neck wet. But she didnt mind.

"I dont know what to do " I whispered.

"Neither Do I" she said quietly, "Neither Do I".


I Am So Sorry. I Know That It Has Been Months But I Hope You Enjoyed This. Vote And Comment. Love You Guys.

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