Chapter 12- Facing Reality

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Chapter 12

Facing Reality

August Griffin

I froze for a second while my brain processed what Mr. D had told me to do.

When I realized, I ran over to the phone. My hands were shaking as I dialed. I didn't know why.

Why did he need the police? What happened? What was wrong?

I pressed the cool glass of my phone against my cheek.

"911. What's your emergency?" The operator asked me politely.

"I-I uh... I need an ambulance." I finally got out.

"Can you tell me what's wrong?" She questioned.

"I don't know."

"Then why do you need one?"

I realized that she thought it was a prank.

"Look, this is not a joke. I need a damn ambulance! And to talk to Sergeant Milestone."



There were several clocks on her keyboard.

"An ambulance is on the way." She said.


Who was Sergeant Milestone?

"Stay on the line, please."


I stood at the phone, bewildered. I pondered on what could have been outside. Who could have been outside?

He needed an ambulance which meant that someone was hurt, right?

But who was hurt? Who hurt them?

It hit me then. It had to be him. The man that left the note. The man that took Kai. The man that started all of these problems.

I was tempted to leave the phone and go check on Kai. It had been so quiet and I couldn't help but think about what had happened.

I heard the door open and peered over. I still hadn't been able to see. And apart of me didn't want to.

I heard sirens approaching and I wondered where the lady on the phone had gone to.

"Hello?" Her voice returned.

"I'm still here." I said.

"Okay, the police, an ambulance and Sergeant Milestone should be arriving at your address soon."

"I hear the sirens. Can I hang up now?" I asked as I heard the front door slam.

"Yes. Thank you for your patience."

"You're welcome." I replied as I hung up.

I walked over to the front door to see Mr. Donavan walking away from the door and a frozen Kai. He was like a statue.

"Damn it, Kaiser." He whispered softly.

Kaiser offered no reaction. He stood completely still. It was hard to even tell if he was breathing. He closed his eyes shut, tightly. So tightly that they looked like they would burst if he didn't stop.

I looked up at his dad and asked, "What happened?"

I got no answer. I looked back down at Kai.

After what felt like forever, he ran past me and hurried up stairs. Seconds later, a door slammed. Almost simultaneously, the doorbell rang.

Mr. D opened it. There was petite woman at the door. She had light hair and wrinkles that gave away her age. She had cold hazel eyes and dark lips, like that of a smoker. She was about my height. She was a looker, even though, she looked ready to kill anyone that looked at her wrong.

"Milestone." Mr. D said.

This was Sergeant Milestone. The One that everyone was so scared of? I could see why. I peeled my eyes off of her and placed them on to Mr Donovan.

"Lt. Donavan," she looked over at me, "can we speak in private?"

Mr. Donovan looked at me too. Why won't anyone tell me what's happening?

"Can you go check on Kai, please?" He asked.

"What happened?" I finally asked.

It got quiet and I knew that it was bad. I just wanted to satisfy this burning curiosity. I needed to know. It wasn't fair. I realized what a child I sounded like in my head

"Just check on Kai." He said definitively.

I nodded, not wanting to push the topic. I would find out eventually. I had to. I just need to be patience until then.

I ran upstairs to Kai's room. I knocked twice and opened the door.

Kai was laying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling of the room.

I stood by the door awkwardly, not knowing what to do. I decided to step further into the door, closing the door behind me. I stared into the room for a minute before I walked closer to him and sat at the edge of the bed.

He looked dead. One would think he was, if it had not been for his chest rising and falling and his eyes flickering every few seconds.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Know that I wouldn't get a verbal response, I watched him to see a nod or something. Anything.

"Can I lay next to you?" I asked softly.

Again, no response. So I did lay next to him. He didn't push me away or cringe or move. I looked at him. He was completely stoic.

As we laid there, I had to wonder how different life would be if none of this has happened.

Kai and I could have been together. We would have gone to middle school prom together. We would've won prom royalty.

I laid there imagining what it could be like. I sat up and looked over at Kai and show that his eyes were closed. I started to sit up and out of nowhere, Kai started crying.

I sat back down immediately.

"What's wrong? Did I do something? Stop crying, please." I begged him. I moved next to him.

I was slightly startled and very surprised when he hugged me and cried into my chest.

"It's okay," I whispered softly into his ear as I petted his head, "it's going to be okay."

That was a lie though. I didn't know what was wrong.

After a few minutes of crying, he was fast asleep in my chest. Mr Donovan opened the door and saw us.

He smiled and said, "Get some sleep."

I smiled too. I pushed whatever happened out of my head and tried to enjoy the moment. Because I knew that it wouldn't last.


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