Chapter 24- Open Arms

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Chapter 24

Open Arms

August Griffin

He talked to me. He actually talked to me. With words.

I was dumbfounded. Millions of thoughts flew through my mind. What did this mean? Why I the first person he's talked to? Why did he talk to me?

I threw the ball that was in my hand up and caught it when it came back down. I repeated this action as I sat on the sofa in my living room.

This was a good thing. It had to be, right? If he would talk to me, no matter how short it was, it meant that I had some sort of chance. I hated myself for thinking about my chances with him in a relationship when I should be calling his dad to ask about him.

I caught the ball a final time before getting up and getting my phone. I scrolled through my contacts.

My finger lingered over Kai's name. He wouldn't talk to me. That was just a spur of the moment thing. I continued to scroll down to Mr Donovan's name.

I clicked on it and listened to it ring. After two rings, a voice came through.


"Hey, Mr Donovan. " I said.

"Hey August, could you hold on for a second?"

"Ok." I said, assuming the he would put me on hold. But he didn't.

I listened into the muffled conversation.

"What do you mean you can't find him?" Mr Donavan practically yelled.

"If he was here, he's not anymore." Someone replied.

"He's wanted for kidnapping, stalking,  murder and God know what else. His face has been on every news outlet. How can you not find him?"

It got quiet for a while.

"That's actually one of the reasons why we don't think that Kaiser actually saw him. How could he get this far into town without anyone recognizing him?" The other voice said.

"So you think he's lying?"

"Of course not. I think that Kai believes that he saw the guy. I Just think that Kai was wrong. You Know as well as I do that sometimes victims are things that aren't there."

Mr Donovan sighed, "Damn it."

"He's so scared. I don't know what to do." He said.

"I know. But there's nothing that we can do, that you can do, if he's not here."

"I know." Mr Donovan said, sounding defeated, "You can go."

"Ok. I'll see you tomorrow? "

"Yeah. Tomorrow."

There was a lot of movements and sounds. A couple minutes passed before Mr Donovan returned to the phone.

"Hello? You still there?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm here." I responded.

"Sorry. I forgot that you were on the line."

"It's okay. I Just wanted to know how Kai was doing."

He sighed into the phone before saying, "He's alive, So that's something. I honestly don't know."

"Oh." I said, unsure how to answer. He sounded so tired. So defeated.



"Thank you. For being there for him."

"No problem. I would do anything do for him."

He chuckled a little.

"I know. He's lucky to have someone like you in his life."

I couldn't help the smile that came on my face and the thought that flew in my head. His dad approved of me.

"Thank you."

"You're still a teenage though. Worry about college and about what to wear to prom. Worry about your sister and her love life. Worry about normal teenager things."

"I'll try." I said with laughter in my voice.

"Was that all you wanted to know?"

"Yeah. That was it. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Goodbye August."

"Goodbye Mr Donovan. "

I hung up the phone. A small smile fell on my lips.

It was worth it. It was always worth it. Everything that I had gone through, that I had felt, that I had done. It was worth it. He was worth it. He was more than worth it.

Taking what he said to heart , I stood up and went upstairs. I stopped by April's room. I knocked and waited for a response before opening the door. April laid in her bed, hanging off the edge.

"Hey." I said.

"Hello." She responded.

I walked into the room and sat at her desk. She sat up and looked at me.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"What do you want?"

"I just wanted to know how you were doing?"


"Because I recently realized that I haven't been worrying about you as much as I should."

"Are you okay?" She asked, walking over to me and placing the back of her hand on my forehead.

"Har har har. " I mocked while pushing her hand away.

She laughed and sat back down.

"What brought this on? "She asked.

"Just something someone said."

"If you're genuinely asking, I do have something that I want to ask you. "

"I am genuinely asking."

"Okay then. I was wondering if Lyle likes me or not?"

I choked on the spit in my mouth and went into a coughing fit. This took a turn.

"Who?" I asked when I stopped.


"Sorry. I don't know who that is."

"August! I'm serious. "

"So am I. As much as I love Lyle, I know that he is a player. He'll just hurt you and then I'll hurt him and then there goes years of friendship. And on top of that, you'd be all sad and find a way to blame me for not warning you so I'm warning you."

She bit her lip.

"Are you just saying because you don't want me to date him? "

"I'm saying this because you are my little sister and I don't want you to get hurt."

She nodded and flipped back into the bed.

"Who'll take me now?" She started to rant on about who to ask and I forced myself to pay attention.

Little did I know that this one sided conversation would last hours. I blamed myself. Why did I come in here again?

Filler Chapter.

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