Chapter 10- Mind Games

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Chapter 10

Mind Games

August Griffin

I sat on the couch, staring at the blank screen.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I do this to myself?

I sighed. My heart was beating too fast. I felt like death was coming.

I heard footsteps.

"You do realize that the television works better when its on, right?" Mr Donovan said.

I had no response.

"Are you okay, kid?" He asked.

I nodded. I'm okay enough.

I could tell that he didn't believe me but he seemed to let it go.

"Well, you've been sitting here for about three hours, but if you insist that you're okay... Anyway, what do you want for lunch?" He changed the subject.

This was one of the things I liked about Mr Donovan, he didn't push.

"Doesn't matter to me" I said after going over it in my head.

"If you insist". He then went upstairs and knocked on Kai's door before opening it. And I was left to my own devices.

Let me tell about my best fri-

I cut my ringtone by picking up. That idiot had changed it again.

"Why do you do these things to yourself, Lyle?" I asked him.

No response.

"Lyle? "

Nothing again.

"Hello? Stop playing dufus?"

"Bye." A voice said and I knew it wasn't Lyle's.

My heart started pounded. Oh no. Please don't let him get hurt.

I ran up to where Mr Donovan was.

He was in his phone, ordering lunch. He hung up as I walked in.

"Someone just called me on Lyle's phone but it wasn't him."

I must have been talking quicker than I realized because my heart was pounding out of my chess.

"Let's calm down. Call him back, okay?"

I nodded frantically.

I called back and placed it on speaker. It rang quietly.

"Hello?" Lyle's voice flowed through.

Mr. Donovan exhaled and placed his hands on his sides.

"Lyle?" I said questionably.

"August?" He said mockingly.

"Did you just call me?"

"No, but you called me."

I rolled my eyes.

"Have you had your phone in you this whole time?"

"I'm not sure. I Think I forgot it when I went to the bathroom. Oh wait, I didn't!"

"I'm not kidding. Lyle, I'm serious."

"Fine. I've had it on me since I left my house this morning. Where are you? You missed the test. Are you cutting? Shame on you!"

"I'm sick."

I hung up before he could say anything else. I looked up at Mr. Donovan.

"I swear to God that someone called from his number and it wasn't him."

He let out a sigh.

"Let me see your phone records."

I flipped through my phone, happy to find a way to prove my sanity. My heart was crushed when there was no record of the call.

Mr Donovan raised an eyebrow, as if he knew that it would happen.

"I swear that someone called. They just breathed then they said bye and hung up."

"I don't doubt that believe that, August, but your mind can play tricks on you in situations like this. Don't worry, its perfectly normally."

"But I didn't make it up."

He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the doorbell.

"That's lunch. I'll get it. You go get Kai."

"No!" I shouted immediately after. I cleared my throat when he turned around. "I'll get lunch. You go get Kaiser."

"Ok then." He handed me the money.

I stared at the ground until he left.

I loved to make myself look stupid. Sighing, I ran downstairs to get lunch.

When I got to the door, I opened it. Standing there was a reasonable good looking boy that was around my age. He had freckles on his cheeks and a baby face. He had dirty blonde hair and aqua blue eyes. He was adorable.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." I said.

"That's okay. It was worth it. I was expecting an old man." He said, obviously flirting.

"I can go get you one of you want."

He smirked at me. His smile made his Sushi Rox (Tell Me When You Get It) uniform look good.

"Nah. But you could get me your phone number."

Shamelessly, I tell you.

I scoffed.

"How much is it?"


I pulled out the money and gave it to him, with a five dollar tip.

"Bye then."

I closed the before I heard his smart comeback.

The doorbell rang.

For some reason, I opened it.

"Can I at least get your name?"

"It's August."

"I'm Angel."

I closed the door again but I could still hear his laugh through the door.

Lunch was going to be interesting.

"What took you so long?" Mr Donovan asked.

"There was an annoying delivery boy."

"And you still tipped him"


I smiled and say the sushi on the table.

I took out each tray and placed it in front of someone.

It was warily quiet.

Wow. What a meal.

After we all finished eating, Kai went back upstairs.

"Why was it so quiet?" I asked.

Mr Donovan sighed.

"What happened?" I questioned.

"Kai saw you flirting with the boy"

My heart stopped. Damn it.


Long Overdue And Shorter Than Usual.

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